Time Magazine Wants To Know Why We Don’t Believe Them


Maybe because you are incompetent, dishonest and clueless?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Time Magazine Wants To Know Why We Don’t Believe Them

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    The two basic questions with any purchase. How much does it cost? Will it do the job?

    Jill Duggan is from the European Commission’s Directorate General of Climate Action. She is the EC’s National Expert on Carbon Markets and Climate Change. She was head of Britain’s International Emissions Trading. She is in Australia to tell us how good Europe’s emission trading system is and why we should do something similar.

    No one, therefore, should better know the answers to the two most basic questions about this huge scheme. The cost? The effect?.

    So on MTR yesterday, I asked them. Duggan’s utter inability to answer is a scandal – an indictment of global warming politics today


    • suyts says:

      And people still buy into that garbage.

      But here’s a little back of the envelope math.

      Currently, it is assumed the world is about 0.4 C above the mean.(HadCrut)

      Assuming emissions are %100 the cause. And (now this is a giant assumption) that Duggan actually knows something of her job, and that Europe is contributing 14% of the worlds emissions. Then,

      20% of 14% = 2.8% reduction of global emissions. Global emissions caused the 0.4C increase, so 2.8% of 0.4C = 0.0112 C reduction of global temps…….. with all of the caveats and assumptions given to the alarmist arguments. Is 0.0112 degrees C like saying no change?

      lol, nature did over 200 times that last month. lol, now, that’s quite an accomplishment!

      Scarlet maybe you could take something like this to some of your friends that are straddling the fence on this issue.

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        I don’t get why the temperature has to go up continuously, it’s not a tech stock, it could start dropping next week and go down for the next 200 years.

      • suyts says:

        And when it does, they’ll wet their pants screaming about the next ice age again…….

  2. suyts says:

    I tried to read the rest of the story………couldn’t. More of the same blathering bullshit that always gets spewed. Time can’t even figure out they are one of the reasons for the skepticism. They don’t understand that the skepticism is as much an indictment of them as it is the IPCC.

    You know what strikes me as ironic? They attempt to paint skeptics as anti-science. But, when we engaged the climate science, we hand them their ass. Many non-scientists have published in their precious peer-reviewed literature. We go to their blogs and they won’t let us speak because they’ve no answers to our questions and no responses to our refutations of their posits. And they call skeptics anti-science?

    Here we are, skeptics, predominantly laymen, and we turn it sideways and shove it up their backsides on a regular basis. Maybe if they spent less time at the CPUSA and ELF meetings and more doing actual science they’d learn something, but probably not. You can’t slap smart into stupid.

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      Yeah I like the 1974 one better it was more entertaining. End of the world stories sell better like the guy on the side of the road with the big sign “The End is Nigh”

    • Layne Blanchard says:

      “You can’t slap smart into stupid.” – Love that

      When we’re in the depths of the now unfolding minima… and Buffalo New York is once again looking like Siberia,
      the cult will march on, aloof and indignant.

    • Otter says:

      ‘YOu can’t slap smart into stupid.’

      But wouldn’t you LOVE to try? *g*

  3. Because their magazine smacks of politics.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    The brainwashing didn’t take. With the Internet, you have alternatives to the standard media pablum and also there is this little problem about what people see when they look out the window.

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