TreeHugger : Nuclear Power Will Raise The pH Of The Oceans

Without nuclear power, the Earth will become uninhabitable for thousands of years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to TreeHugger : Nuclear Power Will Raise The pH Of The Oceans

  1. Mike Bromley says:

    Could someone please tell these acid-ocean-heads about the amount of CO2 needed to ‘acidify’ the entire ocean? 100 ppm (the amount above ‘normal’ concentrations) ain’t gonna cut it. Ocean pH varies naturally by temperature and location. These people are really into ‘shock and awe’ to the point of the ridiculous.

  2. Blade says:

    New Nucs need a decade

    Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, I remember! Drilling in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) won’t help because it will take a decade to get any oil.

    That was about 20 years ago.

    For the sake of your children and grandkids, never vote for a leftist greenie liberal progressive socialist no matter how much they offer to bribe you. The bribe consists of blood money stolen from your descendants before they are even born.

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