Two More Global Warming Icons Being Threatened

Until recently, Lake Powell was a favorite AGW poster child. It proved that the western US was doomed to permanent drought. Unfortunately though for alarmists, water levels have risen almost 60 feet since 2005. NASA wrote this less than a year ago :

Combined with water withdrawals that many believe are not sustainable, the drought has caused a dramatic drop in Lake Powell’s water level over the past decade.

Of course the Ministry of Information didn’t bother to mention that the trend reversed five years ago. But now they have another problem. With abundant snowpack in the Colorado River drainage, dam operators are releasing large amounts of water out of the dam into the other favorite AGW icon – Lake Mead.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Two More Global Warming Icons Being Threatened

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Since we now have the recently NOAA sanctioned pheonomena know as wetdry, the recoveries of Lake Powell and Lake Mead are entirely consistent with AGW.

  2. troe says:

    Crumbling psuedo-science doesn’t stop the machine. TVA set to approve an Intergrated Resource Plan which slips Cap and Trade in through the backdoor. Plan ups expensive nuclear, wind, and solar at ratepayers expense. 20 year wind contracts have been let to boost wind generators market cap. Wind investors are a who’s who of groups and individuals expecting boodle from their advocacy efforts.

  3. Until recently, Lake Powell was a favorite AGW poster child.

    Don’t matter dude.They’re just to act like it never was and they’ll make something else a poster child. Just like Fukushima don’t stinkin matter to those who like nuclear power. They’ve moved on and are telling us new nuclear is safe—Doh!

  4. Al Gored says:

    “With abundant snowpack in the Colorado River drainage, dam operators are releasing large amounts of water…”

    What? Idiots. Follow the green Australian model. Max the water level at all times. Floods won’t happen anymore. Adding more spring heat to warmsnow causes drought. And holding the water back cools the earth’s crust under the reservoir, preventing climate related earthquakes.

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