Washington Post Just Learned About James Hansen Today



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Washington Post Just Learned About James Hansen Today

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Al Gore was one of those promoting Hansen’s testimony in 1988 and Hansen was an adviser for the “Fantasy Flick” By Brother Al!
    No connection at all!

  2. suyts says:

    lol, Oh my, what do they feed those critters?

    This is just another great example of the level of knowledge the typical warmist (media type) possesses. They couldn’t tell the difference between Hansen and a fedora.

    Dolts. Sometimes, I’m ashamed of my countrymen. I truly hope [s]he’s not one.

    WTF? This person is going to pretend to know something about CC and not know about NASA? And is a cartoon in WAPO???

    To the rest of the world. I apologize. That ignorant SOB doesn’t know awareness beyond self, much less a damned thing about civic duty. What was the pseudonym? Ah..yes… ….. Tom Toles.

    “Anyway, the deniers will find ways of connecting Al Gore to NASA now somehow.”……No, but I can connect Tom to ignorance. Let’s all hope it isn’t willful.

  3. Puckster says:

    Tell me this man doesn’t get paid for this. His verbal petards are simply vacuous, even lacking a fuse.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Forget the fact that NASA has been one of the institutions most heavily invested in AGW from the outset. Since when is the existence of liquid water been corallary to a dead planet?

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