Thing Of The Past : Winter 2010-2011 Was The Third Snowiest On Record In The Northern Hemisphere

Three of the four snowiest Northern Hemisphere winters since 1967 have been in the last four years. Four of the five snowiest winters have been since CRU experts told us that children won’t know what snow is.

This has coincided with plummeting winter temperatures. Over the last decade, US winter temperatures have been falling at a rate of more than 40 degrees per century.

Disclaimer : The Northern Hemisphere makes up only a tiny percentage of the planet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Thing Of The Past : Winter 2010-2011 Was The Third Snowiest On Record In The Northern Hemisphere

  1. They told us the big snow of 1979 was caused by the coming ice age. They tell us now the big snows of the last two years are from global warming.

    Imagine that, snow and record cold from warming. And they didn’t even pass it through peer review before they told us.

  2. Ivan says:

    “On record”?? “Since 1967”?? Give me a break!

    “The effects of the winter in the United States, which has been stated to be unparalleled in severity in the records of the country are proving disastrous. In the streets of the city of Washington there are snow drifts 10ft. in depth. In parts of the country the railway lines have become blocked by ice and snow, and many trains have been stopped on their journeys. Numerous deaths are reported to have occurred from frost and hunger. The frost extends southward to the middle of Florida.”
    – Feb 1899

    • Snow depth doesn’t necessarily have any correlation with extent.

      • Ivan says:

        True enough – but it’s a pretty good pointer. For extent, you’d probably have to search a little bit further:

        -Feb 1899:
        “THE COLD WAVE IN AMERICA. Half a Continent Helpless.

        “A WAVE of extremely cold weather, accompanied by heavy falls of snow, spread over nearly the whole North American continent in the middle of February. A violent gale raged on the Atlantic coast.

        “The Mississippi River was closed by ice from Greenville, far to the south, to Cairo, far to the north. A railway map of the country would have shown hundreds of trains stayed by snow all night. Half a continent lay half helpless. In Kentucky, a southern State, 71 degrees ot frost were registered. Stories of death and disaster come from the southern and middle States not less plentifully than from the northern States and the Atlantic seaboard. The money losses in single cities are reckoned by millions. It must be many days before normal conditions are restored or a full catalogue of catastrophes is made up.”

    • James says:

      We had those conditions this winter, but many of you might not have heard it because the Liberal Media fails to report on anything that will disprove their record global warming Lies! Also, Our Modern Society is better equipped to handle Heavy snow that those back in 1899!

      • James says:

        You want to take about snow and cold It is in the record that the Chesapeake bay was so frozen that people were walking clear across it all the way down to the mouth of the Bay back in Revolutionary War and again in the early 1800s!

  3. jonjayray says:

    Mad extrapolations 101, I guess

    • Colonial says:

      Come on! The actual wording was, “more than 40 degrees per century.” In math class, we wrote it as 41.7 > 40 (if the “greater than” sign is swallowed by WordPress, FORTRAN notation is an alternative: 41.7 .GT. 40). It was true when Dwight Eisenhower was President, and is still true today.

    • suyts says:

      No different than the continuous mad extrapolations of the alarmists…..goose and gander….

  4. CO2Maker says:

    “Disclaimer : The Northern Hemisphere makes up only a tiny percentage of the planet.”


    Oh, right. I forgot the IPCC algorithms: The Northern Hemisphere makes up only a tiny half of the planet. The Eastern Hemisphere makes up an average half of the planet. The Western Hemisphere makes up the polluting half of the planet. And the Southern Hemisphere makes up the largest half of the planet.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    Well, don’t you know that the area over the oceans has averaged way above normal, even though SSTs are way below normal?

  6. Jeff K says:

    Interesting times are coming. Anybody in Florida have any cheap swamp, er I mean undeveloped green oasis land for sale before the cold really hits-I can deal with a few frosty, orange killing nights.

  7. Bruce says:

    “The Northern Hemisphere makes up only a tiny percentage of the planet.”

    I often thought that everything has gone pear shaped.

  8. Lance says:

    well, i have only 21 years of records here, and this has been our snowiest winter, but hay, its only weather….

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