Winter 2010/2011 Was (NOT) The Coldest In England Since 1963

[Major screw up. I got the columns in my spreadsheet messed up. Winter 2010 was colder, as was 1986, 1991 and 1996.]

December-February averaged 2.73C in England, which was the second coldest winter since 1891.

1684    0.67
1879    0.83
1740    1.37
1814    1.40
1820    1.73
1963    1.73
1830    1.90
1880    1.90
1871    1.93
1677    2.00
1716    2.00
1891    2.07
1766    2.10
1698    2.17
1795    2.23
1660    2.33
1695    2.33
1757    2.37
1741    2.40
1789    2.43
1763    2.47
1808    2.47
1679    2.50
1685    2.50
1689    2.50
1776    2.57
1861    2.57
1797    2.60
1780    2.63
1799    2.63
1802    2.63
1678    2.67
1681    2.67
1841    2.73
2011    2.73

As usual, the Met Office was spot on with their forecast.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Winter 2010/2011 Was (NOT) The Coldest In England Since 1963

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Are they predicing their usual “barbeque summer”?

  2. Blade says:

    Nice job on this Steve. This article shows exactly how the map was received at the time by the public (remember lots of trolls showed up mid-winter to say ‘it was just a graphic and no-one saw it, it was NOT a forecast, nothing to see here‘).

    Well, since our friends across the pond have shown signs of intelligent life recently: [U.K. Pulls Plug on United Nations Spending …], maybe they will take this up as Exhibit A to start the process of dismantling their local AGW propaganda mill.

  3. Edward says:

    They’ve put a different spin on it tonight Steve [no sh8t, I hear you say!].

    I watched the BBC met office bod admit it was a cold December but that it was the ‘warmest’ February since 2002.
    No mention of total average of English Winter Temp’s, that would have let the cat out of the bag, also, agin the meme……..The World’s warming up!! but not just yet.

  4. LdLAS says:

    All CET-winters after 1989 have been colder than the winter of 1989:

    1989 6.5
    1990 6.2
    1991 3.0
    1992 4.6
    1993 4.7
    1994 4.7
    1995 5.9
    1996 3.0
    1997 4.0
    1998 6.1
    1999 5.4
    2000 5.4
    2001 4.5
    2002 5.4
    2003 4.7
    2004 5.1
    2005 5.2
    2006 4.1
    2007 6.4
    2008 5.6
    2009 3.5
    2010 2.4
    2011 3.1

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