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Daily Archives: April 5, 2011
Franny Fails To Lower CO2 Emissions
Franny Armstrong hoped to reduce CO2 by having school teachers murder skeptical students, but the cold winter in the UK ruined her plans. http://www.guardian.co.uk/ [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE3g0i2rz4w]
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The Progressive Dream : Celebrating Lack Of Accomplishment
Forget the World’s Fair, we now have a new way to celebrate human accomplishment. Instead of going to see a vision of the future, we turn off the lights and sit in the dark for an hour. Earth Hour shows … Continue reading
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Cameron Taking Cues From Obama
The David Cameron world apology tour. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
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Franny’s Team Stinks The Place Up In Madrid
What a let down.
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Promises, Promises
They promise a shutdown, but can they deliver? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ Americans can find out which tiny percentage of the government they actually need.
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No Worries : Romm Explains Why CO2 Will Stop Rising In A Few Decades
Joe can stop his ranting now. Nature saves the planet.
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No Correlation Between Global Dec-Feb Temperatures And Snow Cover
Latitude suggested that I try this. The plot below shows Rutgers winter (Dec-Feb) snow cover vs. UAH global Dec-Feb temperatures. As you can see, there is no correlation. Snowy winters are just as likely during global warm winters and cold … Continue reading
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Nineteen Years Since A Category Five Hurricane Struck The US
http://en.wikipedia.org/ The last one was Andrew in 1992. The other two were in 1935 and 1969. It has been 934 days since any hurricane hit the US – the longest hurricane-free period since before the Civil War.
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Declining Spring Snow Cover : Snowiest March Since 1987
Extensive northern hemisphere snow cover during the 197os was caused by record cold and global cooling, but now it is caused by record heat and global warming. Like when your broiler starts behaving like the deep freeze. http://climate.rutgers.edu/snowcover/table_area.php?ui_set=1&ui_sort=0 So far … Continue reading
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Amazon Continues To Get Very Heavy Rain
Each new article about the Amazon drought brings another five inches of rain. This has been going on for months. http://wxmaps.org/pix/prec8.html
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