1968 – Bob Hayes Ran The Anchor Leg Of The 400 Meter relay In 8.6 Seconds



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to 1968 – Bob Hayes Ran The Anchor Leg Of The 400 Meter relay In 8.6 Seconds

  1. suyts says:

    Bullet Bob Hayes……. that was journalism……it was an accurate description. The threat of the long pass kept the defense back….. it opened up the run.

    As to the relay, everyone knows, that isn’t a 100, it’s when a person gives you the baton……still, Bob Hayes was the fastest man alive……. and, in spite of the doping, I don’t think there’s a person today that could beat Hayes on his good days.

    Meridith was great! Morton was very good! Staubach was the man. He had talent, he had will, most importantly, he has character.

    53 flat was my best time in the 400. But then, I was a distance runner….yes, a poor one, but, I’m proportionally built.

    Damn, I could go on for days about Cowboy football and track…..wistfulness…..

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      What’s wrong with 53 flat? That’s very fast.

      • suyts says:

        It wasn’t near fast enough, but yeh, for a short legged fellow like me…..not bad as far as I’m concerned. Should have seen my kick in the 3.2……if they were in sight…. its a matter of rocking from the heels to the toes, legs and lack of thinking do the rest.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Steroids were invented in the 50’s. I know a guy that was a back up linebacker for the Bears in the early 70’s (the same team Dick Butkus was on). He said steroid use was common, they never thought twice about using it, and never tried to hide it. They’d shoot each other up in the glute muscle out in the open. So, I hate to wonder it and ask, but did Bob Hayes use steroids? Steroids made Ben Johnson unbelievably fast.


    • suyts says:

      Hayes was never built like Johnson……. I remember when Johnson beat Lewis…… Lewis was a nut job, but I don’t think he juiced. At the time, sprinters thought it would just make them bulky and slow them down……..except Johnson….a trailblazer so to speak…

  3. omnologos says:

    why are drugs good for illnesses and bad for sports? banning them only helps the cheats

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      It sure helped the East Germans before the Berlin Wall fell. In some documents found in East Berlin after the Wall came down it said steroids for athletes were actually part of the national budget in East Germany.

    • suyts says:

      #%@#^@@%@# ’cause some of us like the pure competition as opposed to people that like to watch the people that can buy the best chemists.

      What does it show when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis?
      What does it show when Carl Lewis beats everybody that isn’t chemically enhanced? ………. That he’s the fastest man alive. Nothing more, nothing less, and all that it entails to get there.

      • omnologos says:

        pure competition? what is it? are they running naked? or are you planning a Harrison Bergeron situation?

      • suyts says:

        Hmm, Omno, seems a bit backwards in the logic. I’m against the use of performance enhancers. Performance enhancers are great equalizers to talent and dedication.

        As far as running naked, it is true, some of us are so well endowed that the use of a jockstrap is necessary in order to compete in some athletic contests…… perhaps you’re submitting that this creates an unfair advantage?

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    This documentary on steroids tells why steroids shouldn’t be used. The fellow in it talks about the American psyche and why there’s so much pressure to be the biggest, fastest, strongest:

    “Bigger, Stronger, Faster”

    in 11 parts in YouTube


  5. Phil. says:

    suyts says:
    April 26, 2011 at 6:07 am
    @ Steve……coke is way different than ‘roids…….is what I heard anyway….

    @ AAM…..Rafy was bigger than Bob……I don’t know, but it’s my fantasy that those guys were of a different cut. I think the play on the field speaks to that. As to Butkus, I’m sorry to hear that.

    Check out the movie “North Dallas Forty” it’s about that team, plenty of ‘vitamin’ shots!

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      Butkus didn’t use them.

    • suyts says:

      A great movie! The “vitamin” shots depicted in NDF, aren’t the same shots as what Palmeiro, Johnson, and Bonds, etc. used.

      Typically, corticosteroids were used as anti-inflammatory agents used in conjunction with pain-killers to allow players to play through painful injuries. While it permitted play, often it would result in making the injury more severe. I believe those are the cocktails depicted in NDF.

      Anabolic steroids are the bulk building performance enhancers. Witness the physical changes in Barry Bonds and Ben Johnson.

      On an aside, “If I’d known Gent was as good as he says he was, I would have thrown to him more.”—— Don Meridith.

      • Phil. says:

        The ‘roid rage’ shown in the movie is more typical of anabolics than corticosteroids. 😉

        Also there was plenty of anabolic use in track at that time, I didn’t use any but I know those who did.

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    Believe it or not, I made it to the finals of the World Long Drive (golf) event in 1998. I got into the competition, because I knew I was long enough to compete. Around 1998, some competitors suddenly started hitting the ball astronomical distances (400 yards), which was inconceivable. There is no drug testing and I am sure that steroids were involved.

    I quit shortly thereafter, because I didn’t want to get involved with that crap.

  7. suyts: I’m against the use of performance enhancers

    You’re against any piece of equipment, then, including any training tool of any sort, and any item of clothing, shoes, whatever 😎

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