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Daily Archives: April 20, 2011
If It Is Warming, Shouldn’t It Be Warming?
Sixty percent of Protestant pastors disagree that global warming is real and manmade, and 41 percent of them “strongly” disagree, a new survey says. The skepticism is up from an already high 48 percent of pastors in 2008 who somewhat … Continue reading
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In Soviet Russia, Nobody Ask Khruschev Difficult Question
Pfeiffer was asked by Time reporter Michael Scherer, “So will WFAA’s Brad Watson get another interview one day?” Instead of quickly taking the high road, Pfeiffer suggested that Watson may truly be out in the cold after irritating the president. … Continue reading
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What Is Wrong With This Picture?
In equilibrium, the temperature cannot exceed what is determined by energy balance….unless Goddard is also claiming to have circumvented conservation of energy too. As I discussed in the last thread, you can see GHG’s reducing the outgoing radiation from space. … Continue reading
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Atmospheric Pressure Drops As The Air Heats
Temperature and pressure at Colorado State University – August 15-19 2010 Note how the atmospheric pressure drops as the air heats in the afternoon. This is because warm air rises, leaving a region of low pressure underneath. Sort of like … Continue reading
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The Difference Between Scientists And Engineers
Problem. Boy and girl are 10 feet apart. The boy can move towards the girl half way at a time. First movement five feet. Second movement 2.5 feet, etc. Q. Do they ever reach each other? Scientist’s answer : No … Continue reading
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Why Do Compressed Gases Heat?
PV = nRT The three variables are P, V and T. n doesn’t change. R is a constant. If gases were perfectly compressible, the volume would decrease inversely proportional to the increase in pressure. There would be no reason for … Continue reading
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How Does A Refrigerator Work?
It uses a compressor. The freon is compressed which causes it to heat. The excess heat is then removed through a heat exchanger. http://engineering.wikia.com/wiki/Shell_and_tube_heat_exchanger After the freon has cooled, it is expanded into an area of lower pressure – causing … Continue reading
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How Does A Diesel Engine Work?
They don’t have spark plugs, but they do have pistons. A diesel engine (also known as a compression-ignition engine and sometimes capitalized as Diesel engine) is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate ignition to … Continue reading
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Lawyers : Global Warming Might Have Caused The Japanese Tsunami
Let’s sue everybody! Your SUV caused a tsunami in japan. http://www.legalbrief.co.za/article.php?story=20110419090714151
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April 1974 : Largest Tornado Outbreak In History – Blamed On Global Cooling
But now we know that tornadoes are actually caused by global warming. Actually, the 1974 tornadoes probably never happened – because CO2 was well below Hansen’s safe 350 ppm. http://www.april31974.com/images/outbreakmaplarge.jpg
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