As you enter Glacier Bay in Southeast Alaska you will cruise along shorelines completely covered by ice just 200 years ago.
Explorer Captain George Vancouver found Icy Strait choked with ice in 1794, and Glacier Bay was barely an indented glacier. That glacier was more than 4000 ft. thick, up to 20 miles or more wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St.Elias Range of mountains.
By 1879 naturist John Muir found that the ice had retreated 48 miles up the bay. By 1916 the Grand Pacific Glacier headed Tarr inlet 65 miles from Glacier Bay’s mouth.
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Since these measurements came immediately after the so-called “Little Ice Age” [] which came after the so-called “Medieval Warm Period” [] , and nobody had any automobiles during these thousand years or so – I’m pretty sure man doesn’t cause global temperature cycles. And any theory that he does definitely lacks the standing to justify wrecking national and/or global economies.
“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”
Horse farts explain everything.
Historical observations on a single glacier retreat proves nothing one way or the other about current climate. And nothing of the sort was mentioned in the article.
First we are discussing a Glacier Field! We are discussing a region where the glaciers advanced during the LIA and retreated during recovery from the LIA.
The article is entirely about that glacier field and how it is evidence of the changing climate not being due to human activity in recent years.
Glaciers are used as evidence of dramatic recent changes in climate when they have been receding for many years and centuries.
Snow cap loss on Kilamanjaro was certainly used as a symbol of a warming planet. Of course they were completely wrong, but it made a nice simple symbol to blow the alarmist’s horn.
Was that o.k.? Did you contact the Goracle to notify him how wrong he was to do that?
Better chug another glass of Kool Aid, Danny boy…..before your buzz wears off. 🙂
Dan, don’t you think that if this same rate of retreat occurred in the last 30 years on that glacier, that the media would be using it to push proof of global warming?
How did we have warm/cold periods before man became involved?
That is a myth perpetuated by the Koch Brothers. The Earth was a Garden of Eden before it became infested by the carbon polluting human race. And it was much more inhabitable even when covered by glacial ice.
High Octane sled dogs might explain it… 🙂
The planet is obviously a lot more sensitive to CO2 than we thought……………
Read The Little Ice Age by Brian Fagan. He describes the glaciers galloping forward and destroying European towns at an “alarming” rate. Now if natural climate forces cause global cooling to do this is it possible that natural climate forces have caused the glaciers to recede? Also, if the glaciers were growing in the 1600 & 1700’s, what caused them to be so short before that?
We are now in the Age of Stupidity, where lack of critical thinking is applauded and $rewarded$. We The People are paying for all this nonsense. Thieves are Stealing our Money.
The glaciers seen here today are remnants of a general ice advance- the Little Ice Age- that began about 4,000 years ago. This advance in no way approached the extent of continental glaciation during Pleistocene time. The Little Ice Age reached its maximum extent here about 1750, when general melting began.
ok, so everyone set your clocks to 1800, that way we can show catastrophic unprecedented warming….
It was all those tourists breathing out their pollution.
Somebody should keep an eye on that link to see if it changes this information in the coming weeks.
Too bad there isn’t a way to store this link in an archive so if it does change, we have the original text available.
Since the Alaskan glaciers are melting away…
Why not take a cruise and visit them? 🙂
Skeptics cruise on the Alaskan high seas learning about climate change
Was the bold John Muir of 1879 really a naturist? Or has the spellchecker at failed again?