“Arapahoe Basin hosts spring events and 3rd best snowpack ever”

The spring season is just taking off at Arapahoe Basin. April and May are packed with events, and the deep spring snow that has fallen on the slopes is forecasted to continue. Arapahoe Basin is enjoying their best snow season since 1996 and the third best season on record. To date, A-Basin has received 370 inches of snow – 130% of average. And to get you to A-Basin, the free Summit Stage will continue running until May 29.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to “Arapahoe Basin hosts spring events and 3rd best snowpack ever”

  1. Al Gored says:

    Too bad the excessive heat is going to evaporate all that snow before it can enter the watershed. This drought is different.

    I trust that they are following the Australian model and keeping all reservoirs full to the max.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They are hoping for a repeat of 1983 event at Hoover Dam and below Davis Dam!
      That event is one of the reasons the lake level is maintained lower.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    To alamists-don’t worry , be happy! Everything is fine. The planet isn’t burning up at all.

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