Compressional Heating

I was just out cycling towards the mountains in cool air, and was suddenly hit by a blast of heat from downslope winds. West of College Ave temperatures are 15 degrees warmer. This remarkable transition occurs over just a few metres. Note that warm temperatures have SW winds and cool temperatures have NE winds.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Compressional Heating

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The good old Chinook wind. Hope you are ready for the snow this weekend.

  2. omnologos says:

    Have you checked, perhaps there were plenty of SUVs higher up from you?

  3. Lance says:

    I managed a few rides last week finally as temps were warm enough and the shoulders were cleared of all the gravel. Unfortuately, we have had 4-6 cm of GW in the last few days, so bike back in the garage.
    Sunday looking better, so will head out for a ride again. Highwood Pass might not be open this year due to the heavy snow fall this winter in the mountains before it opens to traffic. It usually clear by the May long weekend and lots of cyclist ride the pass from one side to the other (no vehicles are allowed on the highway until mid june), so its free of any traffic and you get to see lots of wildlife and you have the entire road to yourself.

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