A metre over the next five hundred years….. Scary stuff. How will the next 20 generations adapt in such a short time?
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but the real question should be..How much below sea level will New Orleans be in 500 years?
With the land subsiding, New Orleans will be underwater no matter what sea level does.
yes, that should almost be a real question.
BT, have you ever seen a cross-section of the delta and gulf strata? 30,000 feet thick, and ALL of it used to be on the surface at one point or another!
The trick to alarmism is make a prediction that’s not too far in the future so people think they may experience it in their lifetime, but far enough that it gives enough time to “act” on it and make bucketloads in the process.
It’s the reason why Tim Flannery is the Australian governments own worst enemy right now.
New sea level hockey shtick!!
The premise is utter cow doings, how do they get away with spewing falsehoods like this?!…………Ooh…………… er yes, it is the IPCC part of the UN, nuff said.
If we can’t adapt to a metre in 500 years, we are a pathetic, unworthy species.