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Early Spring Arrives In Colorado
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It’s not unusual for Colorado to get snow in May, or rarely in early June. Of course, those were during years before the ski industry was doomed.
Snow is a thing of the past.
At a higher elevation, Estes Park, CO, got a lot of snow – a friend reports 9″ – 12″.
You should see what Steamboat Springs looks like today! We’ve had 5″ or 6″ of snow (so far). And, that’s in town — more on the mountain summits. Steamboat Resort set a new all time record depth at their summit this year.
Remember when the climate charlatans told us that snowfall was “a thing of the past”?
Is there still a resort at Steamboat Springs. I thought the Climate Shaman had advised resort owners to invest in other activities because there wouldn’t be enough snow to support skiing.
Well, if snowfalls continue to increase at this rate, Steamboat will have to do some infrastructure work in order to cope with new record depths of snow. The snow was almost 12 FEET deep at the summit this year! Many of the trail signs were nearly buried (along with the memorial bust of Buddy Werner).
Andy Weiss,
Actually, it can (and does) snow in the higher elevations of Colorado during any month of the year. There was a tragic case — 8/15/2008 — where a pilot caught in an August blizzard (along the Continental Divide) crashed into a mountain. The entire family died:
P.S.) The Google map associated with the link (above) is wrong. The plane crashed on Mount Guyot, near Breckenridge. You can Google “Mount Guyot, Colorado” and check Google’s Satellite imagery. The pilot was flying low and heading south along the edge of the Continental Divide, trying (I suspect) to get out of the snow before attempting to cross the Divide. As you can see from the Satellite imagery, he got himself wedged into a V shaped mountain range which funneled him into the mountain side at the very bottom of that V.
One day I’ll figure out where Steve lives and TP his house.
On a more serious note, does anyone know where I could find the data on the last “Spring” snow resulting in accumulation in Fort Collins? An average date plus standard deviation would be nice. Last year, we had a serious snow a couple weeks into May.
If anybody wants to see what it looks like at the Steamboat Resort right now:
Too bad Steamboat never extends their season — the downside of being a destination resort.
You are right, the high elevations have had snowfalls even in July.
I don’t believe east of the Front Range where most Colorado people live there has been accumulating snow in July or August, but definitely has been in June and September.
I have grown fond of those places where most people don’t live.
I am very sorry to say that I have become unspeakably disgusted with the majority of my fellow Americans.
Of course, here in the People’s Republic of Steamboat Springs, I am surrounded by Leftist Loons who make Berkeley look downright moderate. The only saving grace is that I don’t have to tolerate quite as many of them.
I suppose one could say I have become a misanthrope. But, I do still love all those who still embrace the values which made this country great. There just aren’t enough of them left anymore. If that changes over time, I will be delighted. But, I am not holding my breath (human nature being what it is).
I share many of your feelings and envy you for finding such a great place to live.
Unfortunately, I’m stuck here in Greenbelt, MD, home of our wonderful NASA/Goddard (not to be confused with Steve Goddard!)
I could never stand to live that close to James (Death Trains) Hansen.
My sympathies!
Wait now, I haven’t gotten the latest memo, is it more snow means global warming, or less snow?
Remember, Dr. Trembleth said that warming makes it more likely that moisture will dump out as snow rather than rain, so global warming defiitely means more snow and less rain.