“civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.
-Harvard biologist George Wald
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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What befuddles me is that despite being continually spectacularly wrong, people continue to believe the predictions of such loons.. and ironically some label skeptics as “deniers”?
Predict early and predict often!
The pointy heads have also fought tooth and nail to prevent every new road from being built. We are thus saving the planet by having everyone sitting in traffic jams every day with idling engines.
I gather George Wald was actually an eminent scientist originally.
During the Vietnam War he became politicised. It really does show how much a scientist can debase himself when he allows politics to divert himself from the straight and narrow.
I think this is a good insight.
I think it’s the feeling of power and prestige that gets to their heads. Oh, and funding. Just look at the home page of the IPCC where they dangle there peace prize. Paul Jones’ language in his CRU emails relveals that he was prepared to re-define what the peer review process is. In June, 2009, Michael Mann received $541,184 in economic stimulus funds.
Why is it that real scientists, I mean in the basic sciences, like physics, chemistry, math, tend to be more humble? Am I the only one seeing that? I think these social scientists (that’s what climate scientists have become) suffer from a lifetime of inferiority complexes. They clearly don’t understand science, or the scientific method. In a perfect world, we should actually feel sorry for guys like these. But no, not for the hell on earth they bring…
The “Soft” Sciences which are the Antithesis of real science were created to give a meaning to the lives of those who could not be productive in society and like any weed they are now chocking out the rest of humanity.
I think there was a need for the public to “understand” science. So they invented a bunch of sciences, like psychology, sociology, evolutionary science, anthropology, ecology, etc., that were “understandable” with pictures and simple diagrams rather than having to rely on math.
That is what comic books are for!
How did you know I collect comic books!
(I’m an organic chemist, too. So my remarks are pretty self serving unless they are true.)
Consider the possiblity – that “soft” sciences were created for the same reason Ubonics was created. To shift our society away from pure discovery of fact into a shapeshifting world of fuzzzy reality.
Now we see programs offered in all types of fluffy pseudoscience fields that are really just cover for communist activism. Ecological Engineering?
This is the world Marxists need- to sow the seeds of destruction. A separation from real science into fantasy.
IMO, the soft sciences started becoming more influential when college enrollments increased and students who didn’t belong in college needed something to major in. Universities and colleges have happily obliged them and will happily take the tuition of a student who racks up debt for four years taking multiple choice tests in 500 seat classrooms. IMO, a modern liberal arts education is part of whats screwing over many of the younger generation and has been for some time. College enrollments are *way* too high. Either you read Milton, Smith, Chaucer, etc. and get it or you don’t.