Climate Change
Human-induced climate change is a global issue and is the primary environmental challenge of this century. Increased levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide act to enhance the natural greenhouse effect and accelerate irreversible changes in the climate.
What is distinctive about the current period of global warming, compared to previous cycles of climate change, is the extent and rate of change, which exceeds natural variation. The impacts of climate change present very serious global risks and threaten the basic components of life, including health, access to water, food production and the use of land. As the earth gets warmer the damage from climate change will accelerate.
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Recent Comments
- Independent on Global Warming Researchers Rescued From Snow
- Bruce of Newcastle on The Wuhan Vaccine Sales Business
- Bob G on Tough Week For Science Criminals
- arn on Global Warming Researchers Rescued From Snow
- arn on Disappearance Of The Flu
- conrad ziefle on Fifteen Days To Slow The Spread
- conrad ziefle on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- Robertvd on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- dm on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
- gordon vigurs on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
Are there no benefits in a warming world? Why is it all bad and no good? What about extended growing seasons?