Today’s generation of college students must serve as the superheroes in the fight against global warming, much like the characters of “Avatar” and “The Lord of the Rings,” according to Eban Goodstein, director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy. Goodstein’s lecture — which addressed the economic and political components of environmental policy — encouraged students to attempt to combat Arctic melting and rising temperatures in Filene Auditorium on Tuesday.
“I’ve been watching Hollywood movies since I was a kid, and there’s a message embedded in these things,” Goodstein said. “They’re about people who take on the job of saving the world in the face of massive environmental challenge, and that’s you. That’s your life.”
Avatar – aka the Pocahontas/ Fern Gulley ripoff.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
“When I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things.” I Cor. xiii. 11
“A young man who isn’t a socialist hasn’t got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn’t got a head.” David Lloyd George.
It has long been known that opinions often change as we grow up. One wonders why the CAGW community think they can change the planet by appealing to the least influential, the most energy careless and the most fickle section of society. It illustrates how poor these people are at reasoning, which refelcts badly on their man made catastrophe theories.
(1) They are easily influenced; (2) They have lots of time on their hand to demonstrate; (3) They don’t have much to lose — their parents will pay; (4) and, most important; go to any University campus and you will see ample evidence of leftist brainwashing.
But who is going to save the world from the combined lunacy of these idiots, which will result in far more damage to the earth (and the rest of us) in the long run, than the things they think they are frightened of?
I find that many science fiction or fantasy films teach anti-scientific-method notions. It’s quite disappointing that hard accurate science doesn’t make it into more films. It’s always distorted science that rules to support the “story”. In the case of Avatar they choose to promote an anti-scientific political message that humans severely messed up Earth. It’s the co2 climate doomsday anti-technology message write large on the big screen; ironic that it’s that very technology that enables films like Avatar. People like James Cameron maximize their profits using all sorts of advanced technology while slamming it in their movies. Very disappointing.
As a result I’m always correcting friends (real ones) that I go to the movies with. They have a distorted view of science and technology in part as a result of their addiction to science fiction films. They also “believe” just about anything about science in the news. Sigh.
Avatar had great special effects, but the story was on a ten year old’s level. Don’t forget “Dances with Wolves”, another movie that trashed the straight, white male.
Avatar also trashed blacks and Hispanics
I must have slept thru that part.
Avatar – aka the Pocahontas/ Fern Gulley ripoff.
Ya,but it was in 3D so that makes it ok.
The communist Russians wanted us to teach our kids this back in the 70’s (as well as use our mass media and entertainment industry to spread the message:)
I doubt the Russian’s had a real concern about the ecology. My guess is that they knew communism can’t compete with free markets and capitalism and somewhere along the way, they realized that pushing environmental concerns would be a good way to slow us down.
“I doubt the Russian’s had a real concern about the ecology”
I don’t have any doubt at all, Kramer.You only have to look at the Aral Sea to see that the Commies could not give a toss.
Avatar may have ripped off Fern Gully (I think it did), but not Pocahontas! After all, the native north americans lost in the end.
Having just read Chiefio’s latest on the current budget debate, I see that we will soon not have to worry about idiots like this. The leeches of society are going to be the first to fall when the impending crises comes. They neither reap nor sow so will starve to death as there will no longer be an excess capacity to feed the leeches.