Fish Worried About Global Warming

On the Atlantic Coast, the rising sea is claiming historical nesting grounds for shorebirds and sea turtles.

One millimeter is wiping these sensitive birds out.

Loss of snowpack and changing hydrology in the Pacific Northwest is having a profound impact on native trout species.

Every snow basin in Washington and Oregon has far above average snowpack.

With temperatures in the Northeast predicted to rise in the coming years, the deep snow cover Canada lynx depend on may be significantly reduced, eliminating their competitive advantage over other predators.

Canada is freezing their collective butt off in record cold.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Fish Worried About Global Warming

  1. Al Gored says:

    Wow. Quite the collection of whoppers.

    The lynx is a classic. Really depends on the number of snowshoe hares, period. Its a cycle. But say it wasn’t. Wouldn’t less snow, covering less shrubbery, help hares survive… then more hares = more lynx. Assuming there was more, or less snow.

    But… why don’t those lynx starve to death in the summer?

    If its warmcoldsnow, working with “Conservation Biologists,” all bets are off. Natural laws have been revised.

  2. Lance says:

    grew up in middle of BC, and learned to trap from an old trapper.
    He new back in the 20’s, 30’s about the rabbit cycles and whether he would get lots of lynx that winter or not!! Something like REAL observations….

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Fish Worried About Global Warming


  4. Andy Weiss says:

    The truth doesn’t matter, it’s the happy thoughts for Gaia that are important! If you treat her with respect, you won’t have as many blizzards and tornadoes!

  5. Ira says:

    “With temperatures in the Northeast predicted to rise in the coming years, the deep snow cover Canada lynx depend on may be significantly reduced, eliminating their competitive advantage over other predators.”

    “Predicted” and “may be” — two sure signs of real science a la “Criswell Predicts”
    (damn, he’s almost as good as Paul Ehrlich..!)

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