Nuclear arms remain as grave a threat to the world as global warming and there can be no let up in efforts to stop terrorists obtaining nuclear material, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told parliament in Berlin on Friday.
‘I believe that disarmament is no less important to humanity than for example acting against global warming,’ he said, demanding that the world outlaw nuclear arms. Germany has never had nuclear weapons.
‘We have to prevent access to nuclear weapons becoming easier,’ said Westerwelle. Tyrants and terrorists must be stopped from obtaining them.
He said that if world disarmanent talks in Geneva failed to make progress towards an arms ban, the issue would have to be debated in the UN Security Council. ‘We cannot tolerate any blockade in this issue of survival for humanity,’ he said.
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- william on Fifteen Days To Slow The Spread
- Robertvd on Women’s Progress Over The Last 60 Years
- Robertvd on Democrat Fears Free Speech More Than He Fears Fossil Fuels
- arn on Tough Week For Science Criminals
- Tel on Tough Week For Science Criminals
- arn on Women’s Progress Over The Last 60 Years
- Independent on Accelerating Sea Level Rise In Philadelphia
- Independent on Global Warming Researchers Rescued From Snow
- Bruce of Newcastle on The Wuhan Vaccine Sales Business
- Bob G on Tough Week For Science Criminals
Everyone knows damn well that the U.N. would demand that the United
States give up its nuclear arms while giving a free pass to every socialist, communist, and jihadist group out there.