Hertsgaard : Determined To Frighten The Children

Good strategy passing your mindless fears on to your children. There are medications which can treat this sort of behaviour.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hertsgaard : Determined To Frighten The Children

  1. Paul H says:

    Obviously all the kids growing up in the warm 80’s and 90’s wished they had been born in the cold 1940’s.

  2. Blade says:

    “Recently, I went to Capitol Hill with members of Generation Hot (and the Sierra Club, our country’s largest grass-roots environmental organization) to confront the politicians whose denials and delay have done so much to land Generation Hot in this predicament. “

    More accurate description for multiple reasons …


  3. Justa Joe says:

    Hertsgaard is the living embodiment of the worst aspects of the San Fran beta male. This clown, Hertsgaard, is shameless, and he apparently thinks that he’s the only guy in the world that has a child, or he thinks that children exist solely to be exploited as agitprop for their parents’ extreme political agendas.

  4. suyts says:

    I think it is criminal to use children to advance a Malthusian Luddite form of totalitarian socialism.

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