Hope For England – That Charles Won’t Ever Be King

They were cheered by 500,000 well-wishers who gathered outside the palace, as RAF planes flew past in honour of the new royal couple.

Police estimate a million people lined the procession route from the abbey to the palace.

The bride will now be known as the Duchess of Cambridge.

The Queen is hosting a buffet reception at the palace for 650 guests.


This couple was not invited to the wedding.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Hope For England – That Charles Won’t Ever Be King

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Mrs. Obama talks every once in a while about people losing weight……..

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Did they do a money tree dance at the reception? 😉

  3. Rick K says:

    I wish them all the best.
    William can’t be nearly as daft as Charles. Can he?

    • He had Diana to improve the gene pool.

    • Roger says:

      Missing Gordon Brown, the financial genius, and Tony Blair, scourge of Iraq, from the guest list is a promising start.
      Oh! and his brother knows first hand that there is still ice covering the Arctic – he walked on it this year.
      Can’t wait for the moment when their father has to eat humble pie in front of us flat-earthers!

      • Alexej Buergin says:

        So that is why he walks as if he was wearing cowboy boots? Looks like Dale Jr, who has a good season, too.

  4. Tory says:

    Don’t kid yourself. The Windsors (Saxe-Coburg-Gothas), along with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers et al., are the true masters behind the veil of Western government, and they dearly want the energy tax. How else to effectively fund a one-world dictatorship government?

    • Nobama says:

      Time for a little American style revolution, then.

      “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson

  5. Alexej Buergin says:

    Why can’t Hollywood do a nice wedding like that? I learned about the guy with Elton and that South-African swimmer, and my wife learned about Boris and that bloke with Sam Cam.
    So let us not be nasty and wish for the queen to see her son die before her. His wife might just be able to tell him when to shut up.

  6. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    It was a fairy tale wedding. Both he and she are the luckiest people on earth, he because she is so beautiful and he has plenty of money to keep her happy, and she because she married a prince and had the most beautiful wedding in memory.

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