If It Is Warming, Shouldn’t It Be Warming?

Sixty percent of Protestant pastors disagree that global warming is real and manmade, and 41 percent of them “strongly” disagree, a new survey says.

The skepticism is up from an already high 48 percent of pastors in 2008 who somewhat or strongly disagreed with the strong scientific consensus on manmade global warming.

The latest result was released by LifeWay Research, a Southern Baptist-affiliated polling agency. It was based on a survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors of various denominations in October 2010.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to If It Is Warming, Shouldn’t It Be Warming?

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Global warmers got a tough row to hoe!

  2. MarkinAustin says:

    I resemble that remark!

  3. suyts says:

    Lol, that’s about game over for much of the country. But, I’m really surprised the number is that low or was as low as 48%.

  4. suyts says:

    But, while we’re on polling percentages, of people that describe themselves as “very alarmed about Global Warming, 21% think the Greenhouse effect refers to the Ozone layer, and 10% say they don’t know what it is. Only 66% knew what it meant.

    • Only 66% knew what it meant

      If they knew what it meant, they wouldn’t be “very alarmed” about it.

      • suyts says:

        True, but its pretty funny that a full 1/3 self described “very alarmed” about global warming can’t even identify a very simple description of the greenhouse effect.

        They’re scared, but they don’t know what they’re scared of. It must be an awful poor existence to remain in a state of fear and stupid simultaneously. No wonder we’re in the shape we’re in. I bet more than half of those people vote!

  5. AndyW says:

    Surely they they should have a 100% concensus after asking God?


  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    It is warming it’s just they can’t find it.


  7. Andy Weiss says:

    Hansen has no trouble finding warming on his coloring book.

  8. Scarface says:

    Every Protestant pastor knows that God made a promise to never ever destroy earth again after the great flood. So that would be enough to keep the AGW-folks out. Apparently they recognize the false prophets now and see what the really are about.

  9. Russell says:

    Steve, keep up the great work you’re doing against the Church of Climatology fraudsters and sheep. I’m doing my own bit too and one day, when proper common sense prevails, we and many others can be proud of the fact that we were awake during these dark ages of disinformation. 😎

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