Schneider says the evidence is not there to “draw a distinct link between climate change and tornadoes.”
Karins agrees. “As a rule no single weather event can be linked to or apart from climate change,” he notes. “With that said a recent study did attribute a slight uptick in significant weather events, with climate change the likely culprit. But it’s so slight that the average person would never know it.”
Grady Dixon, a Mississippi State University geosciences assistant professor, believes climate change likely has no effect. “I will even go so far to argue that it is irresponsible to suggest such a thing because tornado outbreaks, even multiday events, are not new and they do not happen regularly enough to imply a trend or pattern,” he says.
“As for tornado numbers, those are increasing regularly over the past 30-plus years, but tornado researchers agree that is because of increased population, improved technology and awareness, and better education and reporting.
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Wow, I’m sure glad we turned to so real scientists to answer the obvious. We’d have never thunk that.
The number of tornadoes is increasing because they are counting tornadoes that would have been missed, or counting as two tornadoes that would have been counted as one…
..the real test is significant tornadoes, F3-5’s, the ones no one can miss…
and they have been going down since 1950
I thought the climate scientists said we would have bigger and stronger hurricanes, tornadoes, and severe weather events?
Is there anyone with 1/2 a brain that still believes this garbage?
Very similar situation with sunspots, tropical storms, and I’m sure many other phenomena. Technology allows us to record ever-more-insignificant events when they would have gone unnoticed in the past.
Deaths per million people is also going down.
Finally, some good news about climate change! Bad Spiders could die….or not.
“However, climate change could make portions of Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Nebraska and South Dakota habitable to the spiders.”
They actually let this slip through, uncontested, and peer reviewed?
Brown recluse are, have always been, common in those states…..
…the states the researcher Erin Saupe says they are not found now, and will expand their range too = because of climate change….
…what a crock
The real threat is that mosquitoes might move into Wisconsin.
say it ain’t so………..
You mean down from Alaska? 😉
Yea Steve, everyone who spends time in Canada, or northern Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota is terrified of warmer temperatures because it might bring mosquitos there.
What a crock.
Steve my last post is in the trash bin, if you have a min, try to post it, you’ll laugh…
Chris Mooner and Al ‘Gorp’ (see urban dictionary) aren’t going to like the Mississippi musings of this scientist ruffling the the feathers of their ‘pusillanimous chicken’ [google it to see who shows up :*)] that lays the Team’s golden eggs. I’m sure the Mooner will give this scientist an F in science communication and call him an anti-science republican who should have read the Mooner’s book on the soon to kill us all, exponential hurricane growth from .5C degree warming, available at Amazon(forrest is gone).com for $16.95.
Look for John Kook to invert and truncate a graph to show that tornadoes didn’t exist until Dr. Benz test drove his first car and Dim Lamebert to write up a scathing column on how scientists from red neck states are vile repuke deniers who hate the Earth.
This journalist will be judged to have committed climate blasphemy by publishing the science opinion of a scientist that is not a Team approved post-normal bleater like Peter Gleik on this issue, and will symbolically be killed off by big blue sexy leapin’ lizards in the next James Camoron film.
et me know if I’m going too far with all my hidden references.
Seriously, I’m sure that CAP’s usage of the dead bodies of tornado victims as a podium from which to preach to us about the progressive view on climate is going to do wonders for their image.
Here are some killer tornadoes of the past that apparently killed over 300 each. [click]