PROCEDURE Insert(VAR list: T; value:INTEGER) = (* inserts new element in list and maintains order *) VAR current, previous: T; new: T := NEW(T, key:= value); (*create new element*) BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN list:= new (*first element*) ELSIF value < list.key THEN (*insert at beginning*) list; list:= new; ELSE (*find position for insertion*) current:= list; previous:= current; WHILE (current # NIL) AND (current.key <= value) DO previous:= current; (*previous hobbles after*) current:=; END; (*after the loop previous points to the insertion point*) current; (*current = NIL if insertion point is the end*) new; (*insert new element*) END; (*IF list = NIL*) END Insert;
HONOLULU (AP) — Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama’s birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.
Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called “index data,” available to the public.
The claim in this article is that a live-birth certificate is all that the state produces. Fine, then why did the state make it against the law to seek our leader’s birth certificate, if there is no such thing.
The point here, I believe, is that a live birth report is not confirmation of place, date and parents of the birth. Since one needs a birth certificate for many reasons as proof of qualification, even to get a passport, Hawaii very likely DOES issue real (fully detailed) birth certificates just like every other state.
Authorities look very closely at birth certificates and marriage licenses, as the latter often involve name changes. As the issuers of our marriage certificate 30 years ago used white out to correct a typing mistake, we were questioned about it 25 years later when we moved to a different state which wanted the marriage certificate to prove her name change.
Bottom line, if we have to show our birth certificates to drive, our leader can produce one to drive our country. This is a no-brainer and for anyone to think it unreasonable to expect to see such a basic document is truly missing something basic in their logic.
The red flag some see here, in the refusal to produce a certificate, is the question of why would someone to refuse such a simple everyday request if there was not something to hide. If he refuses on the principle that it is an invasion of privacy, then the permission we give him as our leader is such a huge invasion of our lives that such a small request should be child’s play and offered gladly. The fact that this is even an issue means there is something wrong—it is so easily solved.
Dude, he has produced a certificate. If you read HRS Section 338-18 you will see that even the person named on the certificate cannot get a copy of the original birth record, although that person, or any person named in subsection b can see the original record. That’s it. The certified copy shown in the image widely available on the internet is the birth certificate as far as the law is concerned.
As far your hint at a conspiracy theory: the law in Hawaii applies equally to everyone. It was originally passed in 1949 and has been revised several times since, most recently in 2001. Was the Hawaiian legislature clairvoyant?
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 23, 2011 at 7:09 pm
Dude, he has produced a certificate.
He did not. What was presented was a certification. They are not the same. Take some time to look into it. There has been no birth certificate presented. Until he presents one, if it exists, this issue will continue to grow and become stronger.
What he really doesn’t want to happen is for people to get curious and look into his Social Security Number, which could be far worse for him than this birth certificate problem.
You do realize that this is the only “birth certificate” which can be legally produced under Hawaiian law. HRS Section 338-18 (to which I referred to above) specifically prohibits the Department of Public Health from producing any copies of the original documents.
Obama is entitled to a certified copy of the record and he is entitled to inspect his own birth record. The certified copy is (or at least appears to be) the document seen in the image he has produced. It contains all the information required to establish his identity and citizenship in the state of Hawaii (see HRS 338-13, as cited on the document) and all of the information required by the US Government to establish his identity to get a passport. As far as the law is concerned it is his birth certificate. Got it? Unless Hawaii changes its laws this is all that will ever be released. The current governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, has stated that he would like to see the law changed to allow the release of original records, but that is up to the legislature. I suspect that a change to a law which does not seem to be terribly broken is not high on their list of priorities.
The former (left after the Republican Governor, Laura Lingle, left at the end of last year after she was term limited out) director of the Department of Public Health has twice stated that she has seen the original birth record. Note that the director is a position subject to political appointment. Since this is the case, it can be reasonably assumed that the former director was a supporter of Lingle and/or her policies on public health.
To sum up: the legal status of the certificate presented by the Obama campaign is unassailable, if it is what it purports to be. According to PolitiFact and the former director of the Hawaii Department of Public Health there is no reason to doubt this. Under Hawaiian law this is his Hawaiian birth certificate (no matter what it is called). Since it is a certified copy of the record of his birth it constitutes his birth certificate as attested to by the State of Hawaii. Under current Hawaiian law the Department of Public Health is prohibited from releasing a copy of the “long form” certificate for anyone.
This is really quite simple and if you can’t understand this, then it is no wonder that you doubt climate science, which is far more complex. You are a sucker.
Alright. Someone says that someone says that they saw the birth record. I’m convinced.
Certification of live birth is not the short form birth certificate that some keep saying it is. It is not a birth certificate.
Funny that the President of the United States can’t get a look at his own birth certificate. Odd that following these procedures is so important, but getting Congress to approve war on Libya first wasn’t an issue.
Also funny that Democrats are really wanting to finally adhere to a law. They don’t care so much about other laws, like federal border control, freedom of speech and religion, or backing Joe Arpaio.
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 24, 2011 at 3:00 am
You do realize that this is the only “birth certificate”
No, I don’t realize it since it isn’t a birth certificate.
I put the words “birth certificate” in quotes for a reason. But as far as the law of Hawaii and the United States is concerned it is a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Period, end of discussion.
I have cited the law governing the release of information, and you can go look at it yourself if you like. A Google of “HRS section 338-18” will bring it up as the top link. Obama, or anyone else meeting the requirement of this section, can look at the original, but they cannot make a copy of it. The state of Hawaii, by issuing a “certified” copy of the birth certificate (a certification of live birth) attests to the veracity of the information.
On the issue of someone told someone, you might want to check these out:
This is first hand testimony from the Director of the Department of Public Health that she has seen the original birth record. I’d like to know just what the conspiracy you see here consists of. It seems to me that if the State of Hawaii is willing to attest to the veracity of the information contained in the original birth record, a fact which is shown by the issuance of a “Certification of Live Birth”, and that the Director of the Department of Public Health say that she has seen the original birth record then there must be some fraud associated with the original birth record. How far down the stack of turtles does this extend?
Certification of Live Birth is not a birth certificate.
And yet the republican candidate didn’t produce his birth certificate either.
There you go again Phil.
Nixon was impeached for lying, not for the break in.
Steve, have you been talking to Trump LOL
I’m just pointing out that digital information is useless for verifying events from before the computer age.
Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama’s birth records is the fact that anyone can just ask him whether he were born in Hawaii and whether he ever had reason to doubt his reputed ancestry and whether he ever had Indonesian citizenship and whether he really wrote Dreams of My Father. After all, he wouldn’t lie, would he?
It appears the doubts are coming from the two words, “Certificate” and “Certification”.
The document for Obama has “-tion” at the end:
Birth certificates have a “-te” ending. Doh! The two documents are not the same. Trump should be careful to make a distinction between the words.
So, the idea goes, it was not done at time of birth but at a later time, unknown how much later.
Where was Obama born? Until we see the long form birth certificate, which only one person has claimed to have seen, the people who believe he was born in the United States (including Ann Coulter) will have to keep sticking their thumbs in the dyke.
The more curious thing about that “Certification of Live Birth” is that it lists the father’s race as AFRICAN
Contemporaneous (1961, remember) Certificates and Certifications from Hawaii list black people’s race as NEGRO or COLORED
No other contemporaneous birth record has been produced showing AFRICAN as a race category.
The date stamp on the back of the document is 2007. Some have declared this piece of paper a “politically correct forgery”.
That about sums it up. The SSN and Selective Service records are also highly irregular in ways that suggest forgery
Jim-Bo, you are sadly mistaken.
On the Selective Service issue, see here:
I can attest to this. I was born in late 1958 and was not required to register to get financial aid. However my younger brother, born in August 1960 was required to register to get financial aid. BTW, since he didn’t need a Pell Grant or Federal Work Study or any other federal aid, he ended up not registering because he disagreed with the policy. And I can state as a fact, that I have never been asked to produce a Selective Service record for any job I have ever had, even the one job I had which required a security clearance.
As far as the SS numbers go…. I’m sure that Obama would be interested to learn that his mother was a male. I don’t know where Western Journalism ( ) got their information, but much of it appears bogus. As an example all of the entries for Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother) which show her as a male. This is a joke.
Can you provide any links to images of contemporary certified copies of Hawaiian birth certificates (such as that produced by Obama) which show a black parent as being listed as anything other than “African”? Especially those in which the parent in question was, well you know, “African”. That the Hawaiian Department of Public Health could have simply recoded “black” or “negro” as a more politically correct “African” is also a possibility, although I would think that the fact that his father was in fact “African” is probably the more likely explanation.
Once again, this just proves you gullibility. You might want to look that word up in the dictionary.
It’s not a birth certificate.
Just wondering, why are you defending the birth certificate thing so much?Are you a Democrat?Did you vote for Obama? Will you vote for next November? What’s in it for you?
I think the media and Obama have rubbed Trump the wrong way and they are in for it. Whatever obstacle is in his way will be his victim. He isn’t a wussy Republican that can get walked on daily. I hope he lets the horse out of the barn about Obama’s Social Security Number.
“Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964.”
That is odd. I thought he was Barry Soetero and had changed his name to BHO later.
Am I wrong about that? Must be or this is more fishy than I thought.
You are wrong. He was born Barack Hussein Obama (see who his dad was?). His mom became involved with Lolo Soetero about 4 years after his parents separated. An interesting tidbit here which relates to the SS Number thing is that his father moved to Connecticut to finish his education (could that be why there is a CT SSN for a Barack Obama? Probably). You can look here:
For details.
Thanks Rattus
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 24, 2011 at 5:16 am
An interesting tidbit here which relates to the SS Number thing is that his father moved to Connecticut to finish his education
Just a tidbit, huh.
Nothing to see here, just move along folks. They’re all just denier, birthers.
Isn’t that what you mean?
Rattus Norvegicus
that web site is a real yawner. Everything it said was just too predictable.
Yes. Did you read the link? Probably not.
If he got a job in CT which required him to pay taxes he could have gotten either a taxpayer identification number from the IRS or an SSN. As a legal immigrant he was entitled to an SSN. If, at the time, he might have intended to stay in the US, an SSN would have been the way to go. Easy enough and it explains the evidence pretty cleanly. Occam’s razor and all of that…
If who got a job in Connecticut?
Oh, but I forgot, this is all a big conspiracy so of course the SSA was in on it too. Right? And why don’t you answer the questions I asked above? Just how big is the conspiracy?
That would be Barack H. Obama Sr. Once again, I would appreciate an answer to the questions I asked above.
Wait a second, if who got a job in Connecticut?
Do you have a link that shows he was working there at that time?
Or are you just hypothesizing?
Which particular question?
his father moved to Connecticut to finish his education
Harvard is not in Connecticut.
Are you talking about Barack H. Obama Sr’s SSN or Barack H. Obama Jr’s?
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 24, 2011 at 3:00 am
As far as the law is concerned it is his birth certificate. Got it?
Is this the question above?
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 24, 2011 at 7:07 am
Oh, but I forgot, this is all a big conspiracy
I wasn’t aware of a conspiracy. I am only aware of a poorly held together ship for Barack Obama that is sinking.
Rattus Norvegicus says:
April 24, 2011 at 7:01 am
Did you read the link? Probably not.
I started to read it and it turns out to be the hackneyed statements I’ve seen before. So my eyes got that glazed look from tedium and didn’t finish. I just started to skim over it thinking, “yep, seen that…….. ya, there’s that……… same as before………. yawn………. yawn…….. phew, done!”
You aren’t bringing out anything new. This is what has been said from the beginning.
It remains that if Barack Obama had produced a birth certificate 2 1/2 years ago when this issue came up we wouldn’t be here today talking about it. And he still hasn’t produced one. So 2 years from now, and maybe for the remainder of this generation, it will be talked about.
But you guys have a real problem on your hands now because since this issue wasn’t put to bed 2 1/2 years ago now you have an ultra famous personality in Donald Trump putting it in the face of the mainstream every day. Good luck!
You better hope he doesn’t get on the SSN horse too!
The weird thing is you expect that Obama should have produced his birth certificate but that McCain (who was born abroad) shouldn’t have. Neither Obama nor McCain produced a birth certificate so criticize both or neither, unless of course you’re just a biased hypocrite.
McCain never said he was born in the US.
Exactly, what difference would it make if McCain produced a birth certificate? He never asserted anything different than he was born abroad. This contrasts sharply with Obama’s claims.
Phil. says:
April 24, 2011 at 1:34 pm
unless of course you’re just a biased hypocrite
McCain was born on a military base to military parents. What’s your point Phil? Are you saying it was unConstitutional for him to run for President?
Phil. says:
April 24, 2011 at 1:34 pm
Neither Obama nor McCain produced a birth certificate
I am thinking about that and I don’t remember McCain being asked for one. Was he?
I don’t remember McCain being asked and then not producing one. When did that happen?
Was the Certification of Live Birth that was posted on President Obama’s web site a birth certificate?
Yes. It meets all the legal requirements for a birth certificate under Hawaiian and US law. For all practical and legal purposes it is a birth certificate.
See for a good discussion of this and photographs of the actual document.
Certification of Live Birth is not what you say it is.
You blokes keep showing that same piece of paper. It’s like the global warmers that keep showing the Mann Hockey Stick to prove global warming.
Phil and Rattus,
I just want these issues to be settled once and for all. I never thought America would be like this. I still remember the early 70’s when I was a kid and how much trouble there was every day in the news. America seemed to have moved on from that though. But Barack Obama is bringing it all back. I am hoping he is the last kick of the 60’s Generation that brought anything but peace and love to America. They sure have brought lots of dope though to where they even want our kids to be doped up all the time on ritalin and such. “Turn on, tune in, drop out”, this is exactly what the 60’s Generation has done to their kids. But I think I see a different generation coming to America. Obama may be the last bitter taste of a nightmare that could finally be over.
suyts says:
April 24, 2011 at 3:33 pm
Exactly, what difference would it make if McCain produced a birth certificate? He never asserted anything different than he was born abroad. This contrasts sharply with Obama’s claims.
By running for president he was asserting that he was a natural born citizen, just like Obama. Obama was born in Hawaii after statehood, and never asserted anything different so no constitutional issue there, McCain was born abroad and his citizenship was retroactively declared in 1952 which is on shakier constitutional grounds.
If one candidate is required to publish his birth certificate then they both should. The “I don’t like Obama, therefore he should jump through hoops to prove his status, whereas my candidate is a good guy so he doesn’t have to prove anything” is reprehensible and reminiscent of the ‘literacy’ tests for voting in the south.
What a load of crap.
Yes it is but you brought the subject up.
So because Steven brought it up it’s ok that your comments are crap. Great Einstein.
Phil. says:
April 24, 2011 at 5:58 pm
Obama was born in Hawaii after statehood
There is no proof of that.
McCain was born abroad and his citizenship was retroactively declared in 1952 which is on shakier constitutional grounds.
This is not true. He has a birth certificate. You like top pretend Phil.
How’s that pretend rotted ice doing?
I have to disagree with you here. First there is a copy of McCain’s birth certificate available online here:
It shows that he was born in Colon, Panama, which is a city which lies within the Canal Zone (but is excluded from it). 8 U.S.C. § 1403, passed in 1937 makes people born in the canal zone one or both of whose parents were US citizens US citizens. It also extends the same privileges to children born in Panama whose parents meet the same requirements.
There is a possible legal issue here: it does not declare them to be “natural born” citizens of the US. Since this has not been litigated it is a point of contention. However, I can take a guess at what might be decided. The Canal Zone was an insular territory established in 1903m(1904?) and as such constituted part of the United States and it’s residents were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. This would appear to meet the requirements of section 1 of the 14th amendment and thus makes him a natural born citizen when interpreted in the light of the 1937 law. I really can’t see this being decided any other way. Similar objections have been raised about presidential candidates born in territories of the US, most notably Barry Goldwater who was born in Arizona Territory in 1909, prior to Arizona statehood.
Both McCain and Obama are natural born citizens of the US.
Opps, Michelle Obama doesn’t agree with you:
I have mentioned that birth certificate before but there are reasons to think that it might be a fake. It’s irrelevant as I pointed out above, and you reiterated, whether he was born in the PCZ or the Republic of Panama his citizenship status depends on 1403 which was passed in 1952 (sic). Which was my original point, the declaration of citizenship does not necessarily mean ‘natural born citizen’. Unincorporated territories like the PCZ do not constitute ‘part of the US’, if they did then anyone born in the PCZ would be a citizen!
Like I said, it has to be interpreted in light of the 1937 law which clarifies the citizenship status of people born in the canal zone who had at least one parent who was a citizen of the US and who was employed by the US government or the Panama Canal RR company or it’s successor companies. Both of McCain’s parents were US citizens and his father was employed by the US government. The point of the 1937 law was to clarify the status of children born of US citizens in the Canal Zone.
Since this has not been adjudicated it is still a jump ball, but the law clearly defined them to be US citizens at birth.
Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
April 24, 2011 at 4:04 pm
Phil. says:
April 24, 2011 at 1:34 pm
“Neither Obama nor McCain produced a birth certificate”
I am thinking about that and I don’t remember McCain being asked for one. Was he?
Yes, your memory is faulty.
See here for example:
Note: “The McCain campaign has declined to publicly release his birth certificate,”
No faulty memory. I just didn’t know about it because I don’t care about politics. But thanks for the kindness.
Ok Phil
So you care where McCain was born. Do you care where Obama was born? If not you’re a hypocrite.
I don’t care where either of them were born, what I do care about is that they both be treated equally. You seem to be concerned about Obama not releasing his birth certificate, why then are you not concerned about McCain not releasing his? On constitutional grounds McCain’s candidacy was shakey, the senate declared him to be a natural born citizen and therefore able to run but that is not an authoritative decision on the fact.
McCain showed the birth certificate. STOP ACCUSING OF THINGS I AM NOT DOING.
More than one person, including your friendly blogger at your link, saw his birth certificate.
What’s your point????????
Go back to the blog you linked to Phil and see the man say he saw McCain’s birth certificate.
Phil. says:
April 24, 2011 at 6:23 pm
Note: “The McCain campaign has declined to publicly release his birth certificate,”,/i>
I still haven’t heard about this McCain birth certificate story in the media, neither now, nor back when he was running. It is likely I didn’t because the valid birth certificate was shown to people. On the other hand it remains that only one person has claimed to have ever seen an Obama birth certificate.
Your comments aren’t challenging Phil. So I’m going to move on now. You’re no fun.
Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
April 24, 2011 at 4:40 pm
I don’t remember McCain being asked and then not producing one. When did that happen?
You are wrong to say he didn’t present one because HE DID!
Enough already!
Which part of this don’t you understand? “The McCain campaign has declined to publicly release his birth certificate,”
By the way if you’re going to say that I said something do me the courtesy of quoting accurately and not making it up!
Both candidates declined to publicly release their birth certificates, your bias causes you challenge one but not the other, a clear example of hypocrisy and bigotry.
Please careful with your inflammatory statements Phil.
I just came across this video
I hadn’t heard about this video. What was the damage control they had to come up with for it?
Allright guys, end the squabbling and let’s get realistic.
1) Obama is not about to step down because he won’t/can’t produce the orignals.
2) The trick is to find his birth certificate in Kenya / Indonesia or [insert place].
I’m not expecting him to step down, be declared ineligible by the Supreme Court, be impeached, or be censured. Even if the birth certificate issue balloons big as Jupiter I don’t expect those. But I don’t expect a continued fall in popularity and approval for President Obama. And I expect he will lose soundly in November 2012.
What should be a little interesting in summer 2012 is to watch the Republicans to see which candidate emerges. Having Trump in the debates would make them finally worth watching for me. But I think Trump won’t end up being the nominee. Right now it unfortunately looks like it will be Romney. But I’ll wait to see what 2012 has in store. 2012 may be a bad year for the American economy.
“But I don’t expect a continued fall in popularity and approval for President Obama.”
should say
“But I —do— expect a continued fall in popularity and approval for President Obama.”
Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
April 24, 2011 at 8:44 pm
Go back to the blog you linked to Phil and see the man say he saw McCain’s birth certificate.
Well if that’s your standard of proof, what about the statements of those who’ve seen Obama’s?
Speaking of propaganda…….
how’s your rotted ice?
A House committee would have the right to “……subpoena the production of all the available records relevant to Obama’s eligibility, including the complete Hawaiian records of his birth….. it would be a public service for the House of Representatives to employ its authority to determine those facts and to recommend any indicated changes in the law or the Constitution.”
But the Republicans are wussies and will never do it.
Since this flies in the face of the “full faith and credit” clause of article IV I doubt it would fly.
They would be entitled to a certified copy of the birth certificate, which would contain exactly the same information as contained in the document that the Obama campaign produced. See HRS 338-18.
Yours is just one mans opinion.
……His very self is a piece of fiction concocted to fend off hurt and to nurture the narcissist’s grandiosity. He fails in his “reality test” – the ability to distinguish the actual from the imagined. The narcissist fervently believes in his own infallibility, brilliance, omnipotence, heroism, and perfection. He doesn’t dare confront the truth and admit it even to himself……….. But these lies – both outright and borderline – are known to me as such. I can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. I choose fantasy knowingly and consciously – but it doesn’t render me oblivious to my true condition……… The narcissist claims to be infallible, superior, talented, skilful, omnipotent, and omniscient. He often lies and confabulates to support these unfounded claims. Within his cult, he expects awe, admiration, adulation, and constant attention commensurate with his outlandish stories and assertions. He reinterprets reality to fit his fantasies……. The narcissist often pretends to know everything, in every field of human knowledge and endeavour. He lies and prevaricates to avoid the exposure of his ignorance. He resorts to numerous subterfuges to support his God-like omniscience…….. Yet, deep inside, the narcissist is aware that his life is an artifact, a confabulated sham, a vulnerable cocoon. The world inexorably and repeatedly intrudes upon these ramshackle battlements, reminding the narcissist of the fantastic and feeble nature of his grandiosity…….. One of the most important symptoms of pathological narcissism (the Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is grandiosity. Grandiose fantasies (megalomaniac delusions of grandeur) permeate every aspect of the narcissist’s personality. They are the reason that the narcissist feels entitled to special treatment which is typically incommensurate with his real accomplishments……. Unable to face the dismal failure that he is, the narcissist partially withdraws from reality. To soothe and salve the pain of disillusionment, he administers to his aching soul a mixture of lies, distortions, half-truths and outlandish interpretations of events around him……… The irony is that narcissists, who consider themselves worldly, discerning, knowledgeable, shrewd, erudite, and astute – are actually more gullible than the average person. This is because they are fake. Their self is false, their life a confabulation, their reality test gone. They live in a fantasy land all their own in which they are the center of the universe, admired, feared, held in awe, and respected for their omnipotence and omniscience…….. Narcissists are likely to unflinchingly make inflated and inane claims about their sexual prowess, wealth, connections, history, or achievements…….. The narcissist’s tales are so patently absurd that he often catches people off-guard……
Is that who I think it is……. or is that Al Gore?
It looks like someone wants to keep the subject off Obama and on McCain. Typical political tactic.
Just wondering why you have a double standard.
Is that what it is? good one.
No Phil, what the problem you have is I won’t play your little game by your rules.
Ive seen McCains bitrth certificate, so have you,
if you think McCain is not qualified under the Constitution take it up with him. OK? You have some kind of personal issue with it. So let’s leave it at that.
Have a nice night.
The Three Straws That Break AKA Obama’s Back
(with a little help from Congress)
1. There is enough evidence to seek a federal indictment against AKA Obama for Social Security fraud
2. AKA Obama has admitted that he is not a “Natural Born Citizen” which is a requirement for the Office of President under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution
3. AKA Obama has never been properly vetted as being born in the United States, and many other aspects of his history have been hidden from the citizens of the United States.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Let’s take a closer look at each of these three “straws”:
# # # # # # # # # #
Obama Eligibility Q&A
Private investigator Neil Sankey conducted research on Obama’s prior addresses and Social Society numbers. Using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, Sankey found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Obama’s name and over 200 addresses.
Well isn’t this interesting.
Yeah such a great investigator that he thought
Obama’s mother was a ‘male’!
Amino Acid since you repeatedly claim the certificate offered is not a birth certificate for Hawaii, please enlighten us and quote the form number of the birth certificate Hawaii uses then which should be the correct one in your opinion.
Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
April 25, 2011 at 11:01 pm
Ive seen McCains bitrth certificate, so have you,
The one I’ve seen contradicts what McCain himself says as it says he was born in Colon.
I have seen Obama’s though.
Where did you see Obama’s?