Lizards Can’t Handle Half A Degree Temperature Change

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Lizards Can’t Handle Half A Degree Temperature Change

  1. Greg, San Diego, CA says:

    Yeah, but that was only for man made nesting habitats. The survival rate of the eggs that were laid in natural habitats GREW BY 15 PERCENT as a result of the 0.5 degree Celsius temperature increase from 2001 to 2009!!!!

    Just another stupid misleading headline!!

    • Latitude says:

      Let’s create artificial nesting places, so we get more of them…
      …then complain that their numbers aren’t sustainable

  2. Mike Davis says:

    I was going to say that lizards must be a figment of the researchers imagination because if a small amount of warming wipes out the population they do not exist at this time on this planet due to higher temperatures in the past.

    • Latitude says:

      Mike, did you ever think nature was so damn fragile……………..

      One little hiccup and the whole thing goes poof

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    My lizard loves it when things get really hot so I don’t see the problem here. 🙂

  4. MikeTheDenier says:

    Federal Borrowing on Pace to Hit Debt Limit in Less Than Week

    As set in a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on Feb. 12, 2010, the legal limit on the national debt is $14.2940 trillion. As of the close of business Tuesday, according to the Daily Treasury Statement released at 4:00 pm today, the portion of the national debt subject to this legal limit was $ 14.268365 trillion. (The total national debt, including the portion exempted from the legal limit, was $14.3205 trillion.)

    This left the U.S. Treasury with the authority to borrow only an additional $25.635 billion before it hits the statutory debt limit.

    • Latitude says:

      Here are Obama’s thoughts on the debt limit in 2006, when he voted against increasing the ceiling:

      The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

  5. Al Gored says:

    Looks like the rare drain-pipe skink is doomed. So sad. After evolving for… oh wait.

  6. Al Gored says:

    Like the pika story, another fine example of what happens when you combine AGW junk science with the even worse pseudoscience called Conservation Biology.

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