McKibben Blames His Depression On A Mosquito Bite Caused By Global Warming

The cure is to send him to the Arctic in summer to get eaten by mosquitoes. Why are universities exposing students to mentally ill lecturers?

Before he said another word, Bill McKibben wanted to make sure he warned his audience of one thing: he is the “bummer outer” of people, he said.

“I do apologize for being depressing,” McKibben said. “You all have had a nice day and now you come and listen to me and that will be that. I apologize in advance for that.”

McKibben said global warming is the single greatest problem humankind has ever faced, it will take a global movement to stop global warming from getting even worse, and the key to that movement is fighting the fossil fuel industry — or, more specifically, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

McKibben said he thought he would be content being a writer. Then he went to Bangladesh as a reporter and there was an outbreak of a disease caused by a certain mosquito. McKibben was infected and he said the hot temperatures that occurred because of global warming is perfect for mosquitoes. He said it was the sickest he has ever been and as he sat in the hospital ward he thought that it was not fair the people of Bangladesh were paying for a climate problem they have not caused.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to McKibben Blames His Depression On A Mosquito Bite Caused By Global Warming

  1. Les Johnson says:

    Poor weepy Bill. Of course, according to NOAA, the Bangladeshi temperatures are falling at about 0.5 deg/century since 1948 (start of records).

  2. This is bordering on certifiable, clinical insanity. Huh, caused by global warming.

  3. Ralph says:

    He shouldn’t come to Florida for a vacation. We’ve already had temps over 91F degrees, and yes it’s normal for this time of year.

  4. omnologos says:

    nobody can have any doubt about McK’s mental sanity after watching his interview at Cancun with Revkin

  5. Paul H says:

    Uh? Bangladesh and hot temperatures?

    Who would have thought that?

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    Maybe Bill would be less depressed if he were in Churchill, Manitoba this morning, where the actual temperature is -9 (F) and windchill is -33 (F). Hopefully, that is cold enough to satisfy him.

  7. Richard Leighton says:

    Actually he was the victim of the other green hoax. DDT would have prevented his disease.

  8. Red Jeff says:

    I have been killing mosquitoes for over 2 weeks straight. I’m in southern Ontario Canada. It snowed last Wednesday these boogers will live anywhere, anytime. 3 days of ‘warmth’ is all they need.

    When my relatives visit from Scotland some, but not all, blow up like balloons when bitten by a mosquito. I got huge hives from midgies. Could the fact that Weepy has not built ANY physiological defenses to far off and foreign diseases and conditions have a contribution?

    Ah’m jus a simple stay-at-home-dad not in toon with all this lernen an’ stuff. Can sumone poot it on the Tee-Vee so’s Ah kin unerstan an all. Mercy Buckets!

    • Jimbo says:

      I live in a tropical country and I get bitten all the time. During the rainy season it is almost impossible not to get bitten every day as our garden is full of the buggers. I am not depressed but light and cheery.

  9. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    “I do apologize for being depressing,” McKibben said

    Apologize for the drone of propaganda.

  10. Hal says:

    Yippee!…….. A big win for the Mosquito!

  11. Paul H says:

    The mosquito must have been short sighted.

  12. Red Jeff says:

    Did the mosquito get food poisoning?

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