Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket


Sarah Palin was vilified for not watching Sunday morning liberal talk shows.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket

  1. suyts says:

    His plan is working. I’m at a utility conference right now. Rates aren’t going higher much, but new and inventive ways to bill the consumer and control his usage are coming to a utility near you soon.

    A term you will come familiar with is “demand response”, which is code for limiting the consumer’s usage. “Time of use” or TOU will be another term you’ll be familiar with. If it hasn’t already started at your utility, it will very soon if things don’t change soon. TOU is when you are billed according to the time of day you use your appliances. Peak demand occurs when people get home from work, so, we’ll bill you extra for running your appliances when you get home in order to lower peak demand. For those with electric hot-water heaters and stoves……….. you’re screwed. You’ll be severely punished for washing clothes and cooking when you get home. Or, you can wait until after peak hours to do all the things necessary. That’s not conducive for a good nights sleep, but that’s what’s coming soon. Once again, in our desire to save the planet, we’re punishing the poor.

  2. Latitude says:

    So we’re going to charge the most to the people that can least afford it.

    That’s the liberal way………..

    And people keep voting for them………………………..why?

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    We definitely need Big Brother to tell us when to wash our clothes!!

  4. Wolf Wolfman says:

    Obama didn’t close Guantanamo
    Obama and Holder didn’t succeed in trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City.
    Obama has switched to “drill baby drill”.
    Obama thinks immigration is a funny subject, and a source of votes.
    Next: The price of electricity, and everything else, will skyrocket.

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