Painted Themselves Into A Corner

The leading experts have warned us of the desperate state of the Arctic.

  1. Last year was the hottest year ever – NASA
  2. Ice thickness and volume is at a record low – Piomas
  3. Ice extent is at a record low – NSIDC
  4. This winter was so hot in the Arctic, GISS had to add a new color to their maps – pink.
  5. The ice is rotten. – Barber
  6. Least 5+ year old ice on record – NSIDC
  7. MYI doesn’t survive summers like it used to – NSIDC
  8. Big El Nino on the way this summer – Hansen

Given all of this expert information, there can be little doubt that the Arctic will hit a massive new record low this summer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Painted Themselves Into A Corner

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The disconnect between their fantasies and reality will hit a record high.

  2. AndyW says:

    To be fair to NSIDC they did say this in March

    “This winter also saw a relatively strong negative AO index during December and January. However, as we discussed in our January 5, 2011 post, the positive sea level pressure anomalies were centered near Iceland. This led to a more extensive anticyclonic (clockwise) transport pattern than last winter. This may help keep a more extensive distribution of multiyear ice cover as summer approaches. ”

    Note last sentence.


    • Mike Davis says:

      Yes note what they admit! Wind patterns are the primary force that drives the ice out of the Arctic region. Wind patterns either compact the ice or disperse it. By compacting the ice you get thicker ice over less area which takes longer to melt if at all and with dispersion you get thinner ice that is pushed out of the region faster and melts faster.
      The Arctic region could be ice free 4 months out of the year or longer and still be within normal climate extent for that region!

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