Physics Killing Polar Bears

Greenhouse physics forecasts a future without polar bears

The recent observation that this winter’s Arctic sea ice mass tied as the lowest ever recorded prompted speculation about how polar bears will be affected. Poor winter ice development could lead to rapid and prolonged summer ice retreat. Because polar bears depend on sea ice to catch seals, reduced summer sea ice availability would be difficult for polar bears and many would starve.

The atmospheric circulation patterns and very warm temperatures that created this winter’s weak ice development may reflect the natural chaos in the climate system as much as global warming. Therefore, it is not “this year’s” ice forecast that worries those of us concerned about polar bears.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Physics Killing Polar Bears

  1. Al Gored says:

    They should put some polar bears into that supercollider they’ve built over in Europe just to see what happens. They might discover the long sought AGW particle which will explain why the laws of physics have changed.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Same warmed over drivel. They are behind the times, talking about “weak ice development”, as temps in Central and NE Canada have averaged well below normal the past couple months.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Did they look at Arctic sea ice concentration? These people are pulling ‘facts’ out of their arses. The polar bear survived this!!!

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