Playing The Snow Game

Another favorite alarmist trick is to transparently mix snow intensity and extent. They claim that they forecast heavier snowfalls due to “more moisture in the air.” This in itself is complete crap, but the real intellectual crime is that they sneak the same argument in to explain snow at low latitudes.

Even if you believe the snow intensity argument, it provides no logical basis for explaining the widespread snow cover. You aren’t going to get snow in Florida unless it is really cold. Period.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Playing The Snow Game

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    In February 1894, a Gulf Coast blizzard produced 30″ in Lake Charles, LA, 24″ in Beaumont, TX and 20″ in Houston, TX.

    There must have already been horrible oil refineries down there putting evil CO2 in the air and Gaia was punishing those people for putting them there.

    Snow on the Gulf Coast is a certain sign of Gaia’s wrath!!

  2. Latitude says:

    Snow without cold = rain

  3. suyts says:

    Exactly. Its hand waving at its best. As Steve Mac says, watch the pea under the shell.

  4. Marc77 says:


    Snow volume is related to water vapor content.
    Snow extent is related to global temperature.

  5. DERise says:

    As mentioned many times here, heavy SNOW is related to COLD. If it wasn’t COLD it would be RAIN.

  6. thechuckr says:

    You are all being unfair forgetting the difference between warmsnow and coldsnow.

  7. Jimbo says:

    They used to blame the low snow extent on global warming. They used to blame the lack of snow in general on global warming. Which is it FFS???

  8. GregW says:

    It was hard to attribute the record snowfall at BC ski resorts this winter to global warming because last year the snow shortage at the Winter Olympics was also blamed on global warming. The cognitive dissonance could have been too much for even the indoctrinated to accept.
    So a return to the fallback position:
    Warm winter with little snow = climate change
    Cold winter with lots of snow = normal weather variation

    It’s impossible for the climate to ever get cooler with all that extra carbon in the atmosphere.

  9. Curt says:

    And they completely ignore the necessary follow-on: If warming really does increase the snow extent, then this results in a powerful negative feedback due to increased albedo that would greatly limit the net warming from increased CO2.

  10. Andy Weiss says:

    Trembleth (or whatever) said that increased heat causes moisture to fall as snow rather than rain. He is a climate expert, so if he say it’s so, it is so, even if it makes absolutely no sense!

  11. gofer says:

    On Jeopardy yesterday, the question was: “The Tea Party is angry that the EPA is trying to limit this greenhouse gas.” NOBODY knew the answer, but Alex gave the answer as “CARBON”. Are the Jeopardy researchers this ignorant or they trying to keep quiet that it’s actually CO2?

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