If your electrician tells you that there is a 30 percent risk that your house will set on fire if you do not change your cables, would you call another electrician? If the next electrician confirms the 30 percent risk, would you hire a third, fourth or fifth electrician in the hope of finding one who would reject the risk? Imagine that you talked to 100 electricians — 97 recommend that you should change the cables, three reject the risk of fire — who would you listen to? My guess is that you would change the cables immediately.
When it comes to climate change the picture is completely upside down. Regardless of the fact that 97 percent of the world’s leading climate scientists agree that human-caused global warming is real, several journalists, experts and politicians still continue to question the reality and the seriousness of global warming. They continue to question the 97 percent of the climate scientists’ findings, motives, and recommendations — as if they are teamed up in the greatest scientific plot in history.
It is absurd to accuse 97 percent of the leading climate scientists of wanting to scheme against the entire world. It is absurd to accuse 97 percent of the leading scientists to believe in climate change to promote their personal careers or for profit. It is even more absurd that these accusations are put forward by leading media and politicians.
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Climate electricians aren’t the regular stuff.
Lots of climate electricians here in Australia. They are the ones presently inspecting hundreds of thousands of roofs after faulty installation of insulation – a climate change initiative from our government which so far has caused 4 people to die and over 200 house fires.
Must keep repeating the same lie! lol, all 74 of them! Or was that the one where they Google Scholar to build their study?……
suyts… really, you shouldn’t downplay this. Its much more serious. It is not just 74… its 75!
I wrote up this little summary which I paste every time some idiot repeats this story, which is often:
The next time one of the usual suspects starts screaming about this supposed 97% consensus who agree on AGW you can simply ask… all 75 of them?
Yes, 75 of 77 is 97%.
Thought there were more scientists than that?
Well, first you EXCLUDE “the thousands of scientists most likely to think that the Sun, or planetary movements, might have something to do with climate on Earth – out were the solar scientists, space scientists, cosmologists, physicists, meteorologists and astronomers.”
That left 10,257 deemed ‘worthy’ for this on-line survey.
But only 3146 bothered to answer it, and only 83% of that selected (for their bias) group agreed on AGW. So they narrowed that down to a cherry picked sample of 77, and voila, 97% of them agreed. Most astonishing that it wasn’t 100%.
Here’s a link to the original paper:
lol, you’re right! I stand corrected, it was all 75 of them!
Here’s a short but very good article by Lawrence Solomon that summarizes the fallacious story of the 97%.
suyts – I just posted that blurb at the huffpo article… I expect it will not get through the censors, or be deleted by one of the little thought policeman ‘moderators’ there – although I did see some heresy posted there already so maybe they are asleep.
I used to be able to comment there, oddly, my account was “deactivated”…….. I haven’t bothered to try to get a different one.
I think someone needs to point out that you the homeowner would be justifiably skeptical about the advice from the electricians if he/she also knew that they stood to benefit from the sale and installation of the new cables — just like they are of scientists who must keep feeding the AGW hysteria to keep the grant money coming.
Also there analogy sucks. Either the wiring is up to code or it is not. There’s not a lot of room for opinion.
Where is the evidence that 97% of ALL “of the world’s leading climate scientists agree that human-caused global warming is real”? What was the total number polled? Were they ALL working within the IPCC as authors?
I had not realised that 97% of “climate scientists” were fabricators of the truth!
It’s funny how they keep puffing it up…..
..now it’s “leading” climate scientists
97% of self proclaimed AGW proponents believe in AGW. Even 3% of those don’t believe it.
While no homes have ever actually burned down due to old cables, computer models suggest that given a fundamental change in the behavior of electricity which is expected by some experts over the coming centuries, such a risk is quite possible, though the risk has never been measured in any actual homes here on this planet.
Actually there is proof of certain types of wire being more prone to lose connections which lead to over heating. In large buildings they take thermal photos of all electrical panels as part of yearly maintenance. At least I observed that procedure in many large office buildings and warehouses.
Yes homes and buildings have burned down due to electrical problems. An independent inspector would be a better contact than a licensed electrician as you pay for the inspection then contact an electrician to do the required work!Electricians are not ones to play Sim Planet Games as they real with real world situations not make believe like Climatologists do.
It’s more like an electrician telling you that there is an incresed risk the home 3 doors away will suffer an electrical fire, long after your current neighbours and you move out. You also discover that all the electricians in the area are mates and are well known for their shoddy work. The kind of money he’s asking you and your neighbours for would rebuild the entire house and the only person in the street who has paid up is a little old lady who regularly sends her bank details to a guy in Nigeria who has hidden funds he just needs to get out of the country.
Your reply – go forth and multiply.
He also admits he’s not actually examined the wiring but he has been able to simulate it on his computer by inputing the colour of the curtains.
“You also discover that all the electricians in the area are mates and are well known for their shoddy work.”
You’ve described our whole government: Australia’s official hopeless mate.
There is no replacement available today for coal, nuclear & oil that can deliver energy on demand(cost effective or otherwise).
If a new radical electricians guild formed and told me that 97 percent of all of their members “believed(but had no evidence to support their belief)” that there was a 30 percent increased risk of fire unless I(and every other home owner in the world) changed all household wiring to a wiring that didn’t actually exist yet or with wiring that would only work every now and then at a cost that would place me in bankruptcy — I would tell that new radical electricians guild to take a hike.