RINO Threatens Floridians With Hurricanes Unless They Pay Taxes

It has been almost 1,000 days since any hurricane struck the US, the longest hurricane free period since before the Civil War. Scientists have never established any link between CO2 and hurricanes.

In these tough economic times, it’s no surprise political leaders spend a lot less time talking about combating global warming than about the need to create jobs. But former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman says people should realize the implications of doing nothing.

“A decision you can make is let’s do nothing, it’s too costly (to develop nuclear or solar). But understand you’re going to pay a price down the road,” Whitman said in a Political Connections interview airing today on Bay News 9 at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Whitman, a former governor of New Jersey, is a director of a bipartisan national security think tank called the American Security Project. Last week it released a study estimating that inaction on climate change by 2025 will cost Florida $27 billion, because of hurricane damage, real estate and tourism losses, and electricity consumption.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to RINO Threatens Floridians With Hurricanes Unless They Pay Taxes

  1. Dave N says:

    I wonder if they included the facts about how long since the last hurricane made landfall in their study? Hahahahahahaha.. I crack me up.

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    I really like McClintock of Southern Cal. But he’s only a congressman, and not a senior member. Great stuff from that guy. Pro (domestic) energy.

  3. DEEBEE says:

    Wonder if the cost to Florida is any different than it has been in the past. Or is this more computer model GIGO

  4. JEM says:

    Is there something about being involved with government that damages brains?

    There seems to be this giant Dumbotron that sucks the capacity for independent thought out of anyone that ventures into DC.

  5. gofer says:

    American Security Project, the one good ole Gary Hart is involved with….AGW seems to be the home of washed-up and crooked politicians. She probably doesn’t know when the last hurricane struck Florida, kinda like the EPA head not knowing what the ppm of CO2 was. That, above all, should have screamed “FRAUD.”

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