Can there be any doubt that the biggest tornado outbreak since CO2 was 335 ppm – was caused by increasing CO2?
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over the top…….too much to say to this
They have absolutely no shame or a lick of common sense.
How does Romm explain the Great Natchez Tornado of May 7 1840 that killed at least 317 people? Or the 500 people killed in Adams County Mississippi on June 16 1842?
If anyone was wondering ……… this shows the bounds and depths to which the alarmists would sink. They know no boundaries.
They are mocking the pain and suffering of victims. Mostly done by their own countrymen. They are using the deaths of the victims to try to score political points. Disgust and contempt doesn’t do justice in describing my reaction to this……..
I believe the question towards alarmist integrity has been answered. They have none.
In the thinkprogress article, it says
“The fact remains that there is 4 percent more water vapor–and associated additional moist energy–available both to power individual storms and to produce intense rainfall from them..”
I recall within the past few months, I saw in this site a NOAA graph of atmospheric water vapor that showed declining water vapor.
The article then says “Climate change is present in every single meteorological event,”
And isn’t thinkprogress a Soros funded den of dem operatives?
Who can tell? Soros has so much money everywhere how do you know where it ends?
Romm is an idiot, he no clue of science.I have tried to post surprise, only climate liers are allowed.What happened to debate ,he is a fraud.
Baghdad Romm, Barney Fife of the left standing guard over the global warming propaganda archive.
This afternoon it was the hottest it had been in 30 minutes.
I saw a shooting star last week, because of global warming.