Shellfish Can’t Survive An Extra 100 ppm CO2

But they are fine with an extra 10,000 ppm.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Shellfish Can’t Survive An Extra 100 ppm CO2

  1. Latitude says:

    Here’s something interesting that shoots a hole in their ocean acidification thingy…


    about 500 millions years ago, calcium carbonate skeletons…
    .but that’s not the clincher

    Their eye’s are 100% calcite….

  2. Luke of the D says:

    However, all those little buggies are dead now. And when Al Gore and the eco-lunies get their way all life on the planet will be dead also. See? Clearly driving my truck caused those buggies to die all those millions of years ago. Perfectly logical climate reasoning.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Ocean acidification is one of the biggest climate cons going.

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