Skeptics Lack Education

Politics and self-confidence trump education on climate change

A proper university indoctrination education is important.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Skeptics Lack Education

  1. suyts says:

    Crap more errant assumptions and arguing semantics as a replacement for what people believe.

    “Those who label themselves conservatives, however, are notably less likely to even accept that basic point; less than half of them do, while the majority of liberals and independents do.”

    This is wrong and it has always been wrong, and typically the way the questions are worded it is intentionally deceptive as to produce this errant assumption.

    The overwhelming majority of conservatives not only believe the climate is changing, they believe the climate has always changed and nothing has changed in that regard. I’m sick of the form of projection.

    • suyts says:

      I should add, the reason for the confusion is that the term climate change is now a euphemism CAGW. The poll takers know this and don’t make the distinction clear in the questions. Conservatives have never held that the earth’s climate is or should be static.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    The regular contributors to this site are highly intelligent and very well educated in science. Most importantly, they have the capacity to reason and question authority. Also respect the scientific method. That is far more than you can say for the alarmist crowd!

    • slp says:

      I used to be a fan of Ars, but their content has become increasingly editorialized, merely parroting the party line of Free Press, Media Matters, and the like. And they are a bunch of narcissist whiners.

  3. PhilJourdan says:

    For you young’uns, back in the 60s and 70s, a lot of stupid people went to college to avoid the draft. So they got an edumacashun. But that did not make them smart. Fast forward about 40 years and where are they now (well one made a movie called an inconvenient truth)? Check the polls – they say they are edumacated, and I guess they are – in some useless field where they learned how to ask “Want Fries with that?”. A field where the equally brainless professors passed you as long as you could buy their book and recite their mantra without thinking. Both professors and students were good about not thinking. Still are today.

  4. Beesaman says:

    Damn! “increased education boosted their readiness to accept the scientific community’s conclusions”
    This university education still isn’t working then, and I teach here!

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