Still Waiting On The Rapid Response Team

I submitted this query five months ago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Still Waiting On The Rapid Response Team

  1. Dave Nottage says:

    So it’s more like “vapid response”..

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    “shortly” is a relative term, I guess.

  3. The Rapid (or is it Rabid) team may be slow, but Hanesn’s answer to your question is a natural “ocean dynamical fluctuation”.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    It you can’t answer a question, ignore it and hope the person asking it goes away. The mainstream media won’t notice. Meanwhile, keep spouting the same worn out lies.

  5. PJB says:

    I am sure that their response was rapid as they quickly looked the other way.

  6. Dave G says:

    WUWT has a great find “whatever happened to the 50 mil climate refugees” he’s waiting for a response LOL

  7. Lance says:

    Steve, they are still adjusting the data from back then to eliminate that inconvenient data and adjust it out of existance.

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