Earlier I reported on a new paper which says that sea level rise rates have doubled since the last century. Even the IPCC graph shows nothing of the sort. Climate science seems to be dominated by people willing to say anything to get attention and money. The fastest recent sea level rise occurred during the 1940s.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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It will get worse and more shrill. The death knell of cli-sci is ringing. And it will get louder and louder as reality refutes their assertions.
When O’Sputternik took office, he gained access to 350B left over from the 700B Tarp.
This is a propaganda war chest. Add to that the incredible volume of additional spending which is brimming with Billions for communist activists masquerading under the green flag. From this flows a Tsunami of propaganda. …Our own money spent to brainwash us with this crap. It will never end until we exorcise the demon from our society.
He pushed TARP through to get elected.
TARP was passed under Bush and Henry Paulson. It’s Bush’s baby!
No doubt. Obama was down seven points when the TARP thing hit and he took full advantage of it.
Obama voted yes on the TARP. It’s his baby too.
The B-S arrives in Rossby waves – washing over one, rising very(!) slowly, at a rate of less than 3 mm/year, ’till it reaches the nostrils. That explains the stink coming from the ‘believer’ camp.
Oh, the Rossby waves are a recent straw. Clutch, baby, clutch. Warmcold & wetdry are so difficult to explain. As is the stubborn non-redness of non-peninsula Antarctica.
Ain’t it a kick that there are volcanoes in the water by the Antarctic Peninsula!
We’re still waiting for the shovel ready jobs to hit our area. Did Obama finish bailing out the unions yet?
The only things shovel ready since Obama became President are the words coming out of his mouth.
John Holdren has had personal sea level deceleration.
Two decades of satellite data show a constant rate – 10 inches by 2100.
See: http://www.appinsys.com/GlobalWarming/SatelliteSeaLevel.htm
It does look like the slope of sea level rise from 1930 – 2000 is greater than the slope from 1870 – 1930. I don’t believe it’s CO2, but something appears to have happened. Ideas, anyone?