The CO2 Thing Didn’t Work. Let’s Go Back To The Ozone Story.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to The CO2 Thing Didn’t Work. Let’s Go Back To The Ozone Story.

  1. Jimbo says:

    When I saw this story earlier today I thought I was in a time warp. It’s funny how history repreats itself. Arctic runaway melting. Global warming. Global cooling……………

    Over 100 years of global warming and cooling fears.

  2. Tony Duncan says:

    Hansen is obviously behind this.
    I had ignored the rumors he was flying around Baffin Island with a spray can in each hand.

  3. Latitude says:

    Since it’s extreme cold that messes with Ozone…..

    …this really shoots a hole in all of Hansen’s dark red maps

    How can it be Hansen’s unprecedented dark red Arctic warming….

    …and be extreme cold destroying the Arctic ozone layer at the same time?

  4. BT Harley says:

    Didn’t I see somewhere last week that the Ozone hole in the Southern Ocean had also disappeared at the same time?…moved? ….inconvenient, no?

  5. See: (Arctic ozone is related to ENSO – the strong La Nina has reduced Arctic ozone).

    and: (the UN WMO report said global warming would speed the ozone hole recovery).

    • Mike Davis says:

      It depends on the day and what dire prediction is needed as to what the WMO have claimed. They seem to have made claims to cover all bases. Madame Sophie has taught them well now all they need are stars and a crescent moon on a purple cloud just like the sign at Madame Sophie’s place. I wonder if they do Palms also? They are taking this Global Phrenology thingy a bit far! They do have the TEAM at the North Pole feeling the bumps on the top of the globe!

  6. Russell C says:

    Oh, good. All of my info research on the smear of the long-term skeptic scientists centers around the efforts of the enviro-activist group Ozone Action, starting back around late 1995 – click on my name for links to all of that.

    Seems lots of the current references to Ozone Action usually say the group was devoted exclusively to stopping global warming, like this one by its founder (4th paragraph )…… as though giving the appearance that these folks aren’t proud of all their original exclusive focus on ozone depletion. Or maybe that ozone depletion comes in a distant second to the importance of global warming.

    Ozone Action already had run-ins with skeptic scientist Dr S Fred Singer over the role of CFCs. Long story short, the group redirected all their efforts to global warming right around the time when either they or anti-skeptic Ross Gelbspan ‘obtained’ the infamous coal industry memos my articles & blogs describe. Just 4 years later, they merged with Greenpeace, and their director became Greenpeace USA’s executive director – where his bio mentions his former group, but curiously doesn’t say a thing about ozone depletion: Maybe now they will start re-writing blubs about Ozone Action, since it’s getting trendy to be concerned about the ozone layer again.

  7. Russell C says:

    ****word order of my first paragraph corrected*****
    Oh, good. All of my info research on the long-term smear of skeptic scientists centers around the efforts of the enviro-activist group Ozone Action, starting back around late 1995 – click on my name for links to all of that.

    Seems lots of the current references to Ozone Action usually say the group was devoted exclusively to stopping global warming, like this one by its founder (4th paragraph )…… as though giving the appearance that these folks aren’t proud of all their original exclusive focus on ozone depletion. Or maybe that ozone depletion comes in a distant second to the importance of global warming.

    Ozone Action already had run-ins with skeptic scientist Dr S Fred Singer over the role of CFCs. Long story short, the group redirected all their efforts to global warming right around the time when either they or anti-skeptic Ross Gelbspan ‘obtained’ the infamous coal industry memos my articles & blogs describe. Just 4 years later, they merged with Greenpeace, and their director became Greenpeace USA’s executive director – where his bio mentions his former group, but curiously doesn’t say a thing about ozone depletion: Maybe now they will start re-writing blubs about Ozone Action, since it’s getting trendy to be concerned about the ozone layer again.

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