Forget the World’s Fair, we now have a new way to celebrate human accomplishment. Instead of going to see a vision of the future, we turn off the lights and sit in the dark for an hour. Earth Hour shows how far we have come from celebrating human accomplishment to celebrating the lack of accomplishment. For all its pretentious activism, environmentalism is a movement that promotes inaction. Don’t build, don’t create and don’t do– are its commandments. Turn off the lights and feel good about how much you aren’t doing right now. Slacker morality at its best.
While we take the electric light for granted– to be able to read and write after dark by a clear light is a technological achievement that has transformed our civilization. Animals are governed by day and night cycles. Artificial light made it possible for us to work independently of the day and night cycle. There is no way to measure the increase in knowledge gained. And there is no better measure of the unthinking contempt of the environmentalist movement for that achievement than a call to turn off the lights and sit in the dark.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Doing nothing is what I’m best at. So don’t knock it!
it’s an learned accomplishment……
Intricately honed by years of research and practice
We have reached 1984 with the modern doublespeak — modern liberals (or is it post-modern) changed their name to progressives, and what is that they don’t like? – Progress.
I think that sitting in the dark for an hour is a noble but far too meager method of progressives showing solidarity for the global warming cause. I suggest that instead of progressives celebrating Earth hour, they should expand the celebration to Earth month. A month without clothes, electricity, microwave ovens, clothes washers, cars and all such evil man made things that hurt the Earth, would far better demonstrate ones’s devotion to the cause and set the example for their children to follow. I suggest that in the Northern Hemisphere January would be the ideal month for progressives to celebrate Earth month.
Franny’s “guilty pleasure”
Blasted humbug!