James Hansen, March 31
Based on subsurface ocean temperatures, the way these have progressed the past several months, and comparisons with development of prior El Niños, we believe that the system is moving toward a strong El Niño starting this summer. It’s not a sure bet, but it is probable.
I am sure Hansen will be proven right, just as he has over and over and over again. He will continue to battle the skeptics, although he looks like the Black Knight, who has lost both arms and both legs, but not his tongue.
Merely a flesh wound
A little adjustment, and the little girl will get boy-fied…
Yeh, the Joes over at Weatherbell pretty much said the same thing. Something about a “PDO”, whatever that is.
Are you sure the AMO has another 10 years or so before it flips?
Look. With their inability to keep records and find their old files, I would imagine that Hansen is unable to find his old “global cooling” control sulfate aerosols model connivances so he is dirth to go back to his original premises that he held with Stephen Shneider. At some point, even the drones at GISS will stop “adjusting” the temps, both old and new, and Jim will really be out in the cold. 😉