Wet Atmosphere Brings Dry Weather To The UK

Droughtflood arrives.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Wet Atmosphere Brings Dry Weather To The UK

  1. PJB says:

    Let’s see now….. colder AND dryer…..warmer AND wetter….that is what the models predicted….isn’t it?

    BBQ summer steam-baths anyone? 😉

  2. glacierman says:

    “as was predicted by GCMs.”

    “cosistent with AGW theory”

    “excessive heat trapped in the atmosphere will lead to more intensive droughts”

    “a warmer world means a wetter world due to the increase in evaporation from the excessive heat”

    Just getting a jump on the hand waving that will be coming from the bedwetters.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Every idiot knows that dry can cause wet and that wet can cause dry. Wet can make it drier sometimes that dry can.

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