What Muller Isn’t Saying – i.e. The Critical Points

1. Most of the warming in his graph occurred after the PDO shift in 1977.

2. The rate of warming is below the low end of projections. In other words, a don’t care.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to What Muller Isn’t Saying – i.e. The Critical Points

  1. Mike Bromley says:

    Looks as though Dr Muller caved a little bit after initially giving the impression he was out to ensure the BEST thermometer data, sliding into a shameless self-promotion before the congress committee. So much for a glimmer of hope from Science.

  2. Latitude says:

    I’m shocked that people are shocked when they find out he’s employed by a business that sells climate change classes to students..
    …what was he supposed to say

    None of this is one hill of beans, he’s not looking at how past temps were adjusted down to create the radical warming.
    Present stations can all show the same trend, it’s the past trend that got us here.

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