World Bank Sells Worthless Little Rectangles Of Paper

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to World Bank Sells Worthless Little Rectangles Of Paper

  1. PJB says:

    Selling before the bottom drops out of the market, right?

  2. To whom did they sell these…Obama, GE, Jerry Brown?

    They were going for $0.05/tonne when the Chigaco Climate Exchange went under–that’s a lot of paper.
    Did the lumber companies that supplied the paper get credits too?

    • Layne Blanchard says:

      This is exactly correct. They were sold to a complicit government. Probably the Barry administration.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    At least you can use them as toilet paper.

  4. Sundance says:

    Just imagine how big Enron would have become had they been the ones allowed to perpetuate their invention of carbon trading. The line betweeen being crooks and being billionaires is so fine. ;*)

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