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are you seriously trying to say that those are more bizarre than the comments here?
The plastic sheeting is rather funny, but now that the geo-engineering genie is out of the bottle people are going to come up with all sorts of crazy ideas.
Do you see people here worried about the end of the world?
Which weighs more, a witch or a duck?
Are you talking here about an avoirdupois witch and a unit mks duck? Just a trick question without units.
These two in particular
Humor hangs in the balance.
Except that in England it would be spelled humour.
Go directly to gaol.
I don’t know if you have noticed but there is a faction of your readers that are convinced that the enviro whacks are going to destroy americas economy and take away our freedoms, with about as much evidence as Hansen finds in you tide gauges.
There are many prominent environmentalists and scientists who have called for exactly what you describe.
I don’t see “many”, and as far as I can see there is no evidence of these ideas gaining ground in any but the most radical environmental circles. Just as there were whacko’s that wanted Bush to declare an emergency and not give up the presidency in 2008.
Of course if the most extreme alarmist predictions DO occur in the next 15 years and there is not much done to mitigate the effects these ideas could become more popular. I find the combination of scenarios extremely unlikely.
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” ?Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in 1988
It need not take very many “enviro whacks” to wreck the economy. Here in Australia, the Australian Greens will soon control the balance of votes in the Australian Senate. We have already seen many instance of the Greens’ attempt to destroy industry and to press their other loopy schemes. In one Sydney council, for instance, a mad Senator elect (and former Marxist*) has promoted a boycott of all Israeli products whilst cosying up to sharia-promoting, fundamentalist, Osama-mourning Muslims.
* Her family left the Communist Party in 1968—not in protest of Soviet violence against the Czeckoslovakians, but because the USSR had not been brutal enough.
as soon as greens start destroying the economy, the other 85-90 % of the electorate will happily make sure their representatives vet against them. Of course the Republicans destroying the US economy did not get them voted out in 2010, so you might have a point.
What a load of crap. Democrats have controlled the Senate since 2006. The economy was doing fine until they took over – promising change.
Tony Duncan says:
May 10, 2011 at 4:33 am
as soon as greens start destroying the economy
You see Tony, this shows how smart you are. You think they’re going to start some day. They’ve already started. But you want something softer, and easier to wrap your head around. So you don’t see it.
I forgot, the dems got into power in 2006 and immediately deregulated the financial sector and over-rode all of Bush’s vetoes, and then the whole thing came tumbling down.
Or was it Acorn with a gun to the head of all the banks in the US forcing them to give mortgages to “those” people who couldn’t afford houses, because they are too lazy and live on welfare.
Hey Tony, how about that Democrat Dianne Feinstein? Her office got flooded with calls just before the TARP vote. 92% of callers said to vote no. But she, a Democrat, voted yes anyway. Real representative government at work there! I think they call that taxation without representation.
could you please clarify for me, since I am not Australian. DO ALL muslims in Australia support Sharia law and mourn Osama, or did this senator specifically target those particular muslims, and exclude any others. Probably refused any campaign contributions from any muslims that did not expressly advocate violence against the Australian government and all the infidels in the country. Sure to win by a landslide with that that kind of support.
I never said that all Muslims in Australia promote sharia here; but Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon befriends extremist Muslims in her hatred of Israel (and her hatred of Jews in general).
Much of her support comes from Muslim enclaves. The rest of her support comes from voters who vote for any candidate who is endorsed by the Green party, irregardless of how criminally insane she might be.
interesting articles. While they are isolated and only describe one perspective, I don’t doubt the details. If indeed she supported Soviet terror against Czechs then she has no credibility except with insane stalinists.
I do agree with her view of Israel as mentioned and the fact that she hid her proximity to the fundamentalist muslim is understandable for a politician. Don’t see anywhere that she supports sharia law or fundamentalist islam, since it is diametrically opposed to marxism. this seems even more bogus than the idea of Ayers masterminding Obama’s political career.
I can also see radical socialist forces trying to infiltrate and influence the greens. just as groups with fascist or racist tendencies try to infiltrate right wing groups. the other side always point to them to scare their base. just like some liberals leftists do about the tea party, and rightists do about people like Ayers, Wright and Acorn.
“Don’t see anywhere that she supports sharia law or fundamentalist islam, since it is diametrically opposed to marxism.”
When has logic, consistency or “what is diametrically opposed” ever stopped lunatics?
Homosexual-rights groups, pro-abortion rights groups, sex-worker collectives, rock and roll promoters, online pornographers, and such like have much to fear from any autocratic, islamist régime. Yet, often, support for extremist muslims, who (in Australia, at least) openly call for the word-wide Caliphate, will come from homosexual-rights groups, pro-abortion rights groups, sex-worker collectives, rock and roll promoters, online pornographers…
Baghdad Romm
Again showing his total ignorance of the Arctic tundra. It is quite clear and has been shown that, when the tundra thaws, it wakes up and starts growing again, becoming a very large carbon sink. Idiots will do what idiots do. He is leading the march.
The assumption that tundra is all dead vegetation is just plain wrong.
Tony Duncan – Just as there were whacko’s that wanted Bush to declare an emergency and not give up the presidency in 2008.
I don’t remember anyone advocating that, but there were plenty of raving conspiracy theorists who said Bush was going to seize power. Projection!
you did not read the more obscure right wing websites. And yes there were a significant minority of leftists and conspiracy nuts that thought Bush would seize power. They talked about concentration camps being set up, and companies being given special instructions for a nation emergency, and a bunch of other garbage. Fortunately the military in the US is not ready to accept that form any president or party. They tolerated a lot from Bush.
But i doubt more than 5% of the public ever thought there was a real possibility of a takeover by Bush. What do you think the percentage is of people convinced Obama is going to do something like that?
Man, Tony, you sure are a know-it-all.
I know a lot, but not all, especially about Bush and extreme right and left websites, since I have frequented both. Happy to have you show me where I am wrong. I often say things off the cuff that I am pretty sure about, but quite wiling to be shown different.
I definitely do not deny that there are left and environmental whacks.
I don’t know what percentage thinks Obama is going to perform a coup, but I suspect it’s very small.
I agree there are whackos on both sides but I would say the left went far crazier over Bush than the right has been over Obama.
Tony Duncan
What is crystal clear is that you don’t know as much as you think you know.
please correct me then.
Speaking of abuse of power, and coups and such, here’s a little golden nugget in ObamaCare that never did find it’s little way into the media:
Funny I think the exact opposite. Especially since Bush actually DID most of the things he was accused of, and Obama has yet to institute any socialist policies and has in fact been at worst a right of center democrat. the number of lies about Obama, and his history associations policies and intentions is easily an order of magnitude worse than around Bush. A large percentage of Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya with absolutely no credible evidence for it. Large numbers of republicans believe he was best friends with Ayers, and that every speech by Wrignt was about how evil america was. Large numbers still believe that the new healthcare bill includes death panels, as if insurance companies did not already do so in much worse ways. A majority of republicans believe Obama has raised their taxes when their taxes have gone down. A large number of republicans believe many things that have no real basis, evidenced by the large viewing of Glen beck and other fabricators of information. Many still believe Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks. I could go on for a verity long time in this vein,. and go on about the actual things bush did that were much worse than what obama has done, and have actually made it possible for Obama to do, such as assassinations.
Tony Duncan says:
May 10, 2011 at 5:50 am
please correct me then.
Heck Tony, you’re right, I should get on the ball. Everyone else should too. We have never been able to correct you. You are always right. It’s impossible to correct that steel encased cement trap which is your mind.
There, feel better?
It is profound how messed up your paradigm is Tony.
What Obama did to bin Laden was not an assassination. It was a campaign trail ploy. He has capitalized on it in every way his limited imagination could come up with.
It is pretty scary that this man made it past corporeal.
Pretty much nothing in that video has any basis in reality.
TARP was nationalization. Very funny. the healthcare bill institutes brigades of brownshirts ready to obey only Comrade Obama.
As for Feinstein. Obviously her constituents were so mad at her they will vote her out of office next year with only 8% of the vote, right?
Like I said Tony, you don’t like reality. You need soft, safe fantasies to occupy your mind.
Tony Duncan says:
May 10, 2011 at 5:17 am
I know a lot,
No, you think you know a lot. Cause thinking that is a soft and nice thing to think about yourself.
Tony Duncan says:
May 10, 2011 at 6:10 am
It is pretty scary that this man made it past corporeal.
Pretty much nothing in that video has any basis in reality.
Let me fix that:
Pretty much nothing in that video has any basis in my, Tony Duncan’s, reality.
There. Fixed.
I have been corrected here a number of times and I appreciate that.
You are not correcting me now though, so I will continue considering my facts and viewpoint accurate until contradicted by more than the ravings of a fundamentalist crackpot former military officer, which has no basis in reality.
I heard such things too (in the form of throw-away remarks and the like), and not among people in some closeted group on the far, far left.
you have no clue what my paradigm is. You are happy to guess, But I am pretty confident you would not have any concept of the basis of my way of looking at the world.
i am happy to come to websites like these and play using your rules and your conceptions of reality. They are quite familiar to me, but as i have no interest in changing anyones mind, and there is almost no interest in understanding my viewpoints, it is a very limited form of communication. But as i have said repeatedly i do learn things here that I might not in other places
I know, I know Tony, it’s just impossible to get a handle on your thoughts. Sorry.
Tony – “you did not read the more obscure right wing websites”
I don’t read obscure websites, right or left. Why would I want to? Perhaps I might become as crazy as they are.
“there is almost no interest in understanding my viewpoints”
You have given an inkling that you’re some kind of leftist, exactly which kind isn’t clear – there are many varieties.
“Obama has yet to institute any socialist policies and has in fact been at worst a right of center democrat”
If you think Obama is right of center you are delusional. He strikes me as something of a phoney and therefore he pretends to be all sorts of things including a centrist when it suits him, but it’s pretty obvious he’s a lot closer to his fellow radical commonity organizer, Saul Alinsky than he is to the center-right, or even the center for that matter.
that should be community organizer
I have giving an inkling because of how you label ideas.
Please describe to me ANY policies Obama has implemented that are socialist or related any more to Saul Alinsky than any other politician. Cap and trade, which has not happened was a republican idea. So are many elements of the healthcare bill. I do not believe the crazed assertion that the healthcare bill is building an army of greenshirts loyal only to Obama that are going to paint doors of polluters with smokestacks so that they are targeted in “smognight” to be vandalized.
I did not say Obama was right of center, I said he was slightly to the right on many issues for a democrat. Certainly much more to the center than Bush Jr. Who actually DID pack the government bureaucracy with hundreds of fundamentalist christians and neo-con idealogues who hijacked american policy that led to a disastrous war, and a financial meltdown (he did have help from right of center democrats) among many other actions that were blatantly un-American. Some of which Obama is continuing.
my auto spell fixer causes a lot of interesting spelling issues.
That was brilliant!
Your knowledge of the language is astounding!
Definition of CORPOREAL
: having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body: as a : not spiritual b : not immaterial or intangible : substantial
It is pretty scary that this man made it past corporeal.
Where is your evidence he is a spiritual presence?
Thanks for the laughs! Your entertainers buddies should be proud of your act! I am not aware of which award would best fit but I am certain there is one designed for one such as you!
“there is almost no interest in understanding my viewpoints”
“I have giving an inkling because of how you label ideas.”
Now I am curious as to what your viewpoint is. Why don’t you share a little about what you believe and where you are coming from.
“I know a lot, but not all, especially about Bush and extreme right and left websites, since I have frequented both.”
Are you sure this frequenting of extreme sites is healthy for you? A steady diet of such nonsense could conceivably affect you negatively.
Wow, that is very nice of you.
And yes visiting extreme websites can have a negative impact.
I have to run, but much of the basis for my belief system comes from a rather intense study of childhood development from a number of different angles. Academic work from the likes of Allison Glopnick, Robert Siegler, Deanna Kuhn, Stanley Greenspan and a host of others; A number of years of training in counseling; Evolutionary biology, especially Sean Carrol, Ernst Mayr, S. Gould, neurobiology esp. Damasio, Rosenfield, Orr, Sacks and many others. Psychology, especially ego defense, Illeris, Wegner; Business theory, Shon, Argyris, Senge, and lots from the Harvard business review. Education Dewey, Mezirow, and a host of others. And from long ago studying astrophysics and cosmology. Those are some of what comes off the top of my head now. It is amazing how well these completely different disciplines agree about so many different areas from people with no connection.
thanks for asking.
Sounds like the perfect middlebrow intellectual … With a touch here and there of something tangier.
Ego defense, eh? You don’t know how ironic that is.
Cover the North in plastic. Now there’s an idea I didn’t think of. But wasn’t soot going to be the preferred material?
That’s the preferred way to sterilize the land. Soil Solarization and Weed Control
If you get an infestation of star thistle, cut it all out then cover the area in plastic to ensure the weeds don’t grow back.
As usual the progressive leaders prescribe the exact action to make their fevered nightmares come true. And their followers, like Tony, = too stupid to notice.
Yup. the next IPCC report is going to mandate the “plastic solution”. Catman306 is obviously Hansen giving the new official line. No dissent will be tolerated.