Hansen says that multi-metre sea level rise this century is “dead certain.”
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good Lord….
I had to laugh though “feels like -107F”
Should just keep getting colder since we’re still several weeks from the solstice even.
We can expect much melting from that!
And it was common to have days in Las Vegas that were over 107F which equals a 214 degree temperature range for the globe. -107F is still friggen cold and an increase of 30F would still be more than friggen cold. +107 is uncomfortable while -107 is deadly. The researchers and Chicken Little promoters need to relocate to the Semi-tropical conditions of the Vostok region to live in harmony with nature.
half a degree change will kill us all.
We are only 139 degrees away from the Great Meltdown. The end is near!!
Ice extent is currently bang on ‘average.’ But it will soon all melt raising sea levels to intolerable levels.
Not even close to the coldest temp ever recorded, at Vostok and for the Earth;
-128.6F on July 21, 1983. At -107F, however, still way colder than ever recorded in the Northern hemisphere, a -90F at Verkhoyansk in Siberia.
Winter doesn’t start for another month!
And Antarctic sea ice is forming rapidly in all that cold. Let’s see what happens at Vostok in July. A new world record perhaps?
Just one more degree and the CO2 will solidify out of the atmosphere…..boy the warmcold will get even warmercolder without CO2 to provide its usual heat blanket . 😉
Those numbers can’t be real. Global warming is happening. Weather Underground must be manipulating the data to help the skeptics.
Wonder what the low is at Vinson Massif?
Solid carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice, sublimes at -78.5°C (-109.3°F).
Because CO2 is only ~350 ppm in the atmosphere, its partial pressure is so low that it would take a temp below -140C for CO2 in the air to freeze. My guess is that this has never happened on earth, even during ice ages.
You underestimate the power of CO2 induced warmcold, which can simultaneously heat the planet to dangerous levels while freezing everything in its path. Depending on what doom and gloom story can be sold to the public the best.
There is a difference between freezing and accumulating. For example, water in the atmosphere always freezes at 0C – but until the temperature drops below the frost point, the ice won’t accumulate. That is because it is sublimating as fast as it is freezing. Same story for CO2.
The problem with Hansen’s paper is that if the temperature in Antarctica warms it will snow more causing more ice accumulation, not less.
Not with all the carbon dioxide in the air not enough ice to keep the earth cool meltdown will be a navigable
What is even more ludicrous is that his 5m by 2100 is 2 1/2 times the sea level rate of rise during recovery from the last glacial period when ice covered much of the northern hemisphere a mile thick. From 2080 to 2100 he stupidly forcasts 4m. rise which is 10 times the maximum glacial period Holocene recovery rate. I suspect he is may be trying to pad the numbers for the Nature Consevancy’s Coastal Resilience land grab program. IMHO.
What should I do as 1 person to help prevent the ocean sea levels to rise I don’t drive a car I ride to work with someone what can I do to help prevent this from happing