Arnie, Al and John Take The Moral High Ground

While lecturing us about the immorality of our modest lifestyles, global warming leaders were cranking out the CO2 and the semen.

Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered love child with member of staff
Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, separated after the former governor admitted he had fathered a child with a member of their household staff.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Arnie, Al and John Take The Moral High Ground

  1. Dave G says:

    Good one Steve!! LOL

  2. Ralph says:

    If steroids did THAT to Arnie I’m glad I never took them.

  3. Sean says:

    Will they be buying carbon credits for their progeny?

  4. omnologos says:

    Whom did Gore father children with?

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    If we have to rely on those clowns for morality, we are in BIG trouble.

  6. suyts says:

    Yes, morality.

    The undoer of those that would be kings. In Charles’ case, the undoer of the monarchy itself.

  7. Latitude says:

    ….no one can compare to Clinton

  8. Perry says:

    DSK fancied taking a leaf out of Gore’s handbook on seduction. What I do not understand is why the Sofitel maid did not use her teeth on his IMF?

    “The 32-year-old maid told authorities that she thought the suite was empty but that Strauss-Kahn emerged from the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway, pulled her into a bedroom and dragged her into a bathroom, police said.

    He grabbed her breasts, tried to pull down her pantyhose, grabbed at her crotch and forced her to perform oral sex on him during the encounter at about noon, according to a court complaint. She ultimately broke free, escaped the room and told hotel staffers what had happened, authorities said. She was treated at a hospital for minor injuries. ”

  9. NoMoreGore says:

    Charles there looking at Camilla and wondering where he went wrong…. If you’re filthy rich and famous and you wanna cheat, make it worth doing. At least Tiger had an eye for candy.

    We should take it easy on these guys. They screwed a few poodles, but Obama is screwing the whole nation.

  10. Who’s that guy next to Gore?

  11. And what the heck is “fathering a child with a member of their household staff”?

    If you go fooling around, why drag the progeny’s name when you want to describe your indiscretions?

    And the child was born before he became the governor? And preached to the world, his moralizing bullshit, from his Californian global warming pulpit all the while when he was fornicating with the house help and cheating on his wife and the state’s citizenry. Great. Wait another seven years and you’ll hear about all the kids he’s fathered when he was global warming governor.

    And this is the guy that did this kind of stuff as well…

  12. Anything is possible says:

    At least we know now where they are getting their rising sea levels rise figures from…

    ..They simply take measurements whenever Arnie goes for a dip! (:-

  13. Anything is possible says:


    * rising sea levels from.

    Proof-read before posting facepalm

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