THE Gillard Government will need a new bureaucracy with three separate bodies to administer its carbon price, its climate change adviser Ross Garnaut said.
Under the proposals, emissions targets could be expanded and more industries hit by the carbon price once the carbon tax is replaced by an emissions trading scheme.
But Labor faces new warnings from key Independent Tony Windsor that he may not support the carbon tax unless he can be convinced Australia is not acting ahead of other countries. And the National Farmers Federation warned costs for grain farmers could soar by more than $36,000 a year under a carbon price of $36 per tonne.
A diverse range of other groups, including scientists and former Liberal leaders John Hewson and Malcolm Fraser, yesterday backed the carbon tax.
The Government will today receive two major reports that will help it finalise its carbon tax.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
Australia’s input is infinitesimal one way or another, so why bother?
Infinitesimal is about the size of it:
Why? Because the Prime Minister, though a proven liar, defers to the right scientists.
Since we see so many “climate scientists” cheat, manipulate data and lie, why should it surprise anyone when politicians—not renowned, as a rule, for exemplary honesty—should seize with glee the awarmist pseudo-scientists’ predictions of profitable catastrophe?
“THE Gillard Government will need a new bureaucracy with three separate bodies to administer its carbon price, its climate change adviser Ross Garnaut said.”
Once a bureaucracy is in place, it almost never gets removed.
Apparently, our goal is to reduce emissions here by 160 million tonnes by 2020.
Sounds impressive! Shame that last year alone, global emissions rose by 1,600 million tonnes:
Divide our reduction by the planned 8 years (assuming they mean the beginning of 2020, and not the end), and it amounts to an 80th of last years global growth. I guess our government just hopes that nobody realises the difference, or is too dumb to work it out.
The alarmists always quote the mass of CO2 we place into the atmosphere because it sounds such a large number. But if the proportion that we inject is compared to the natural producers we get 3-4% of the total global CO2 budget. So not even an important number and hardly likely to change anything certainly not climate.
Over the last 10 years global temperatures have fallen by 0.6C and this is with a rise of atmospheric CO2 content. So where is this Greenhouse Effect?
Gillard should be voted out of office for being easily led towards the ruin of Australia.
She should start to listen to Prof Bob Carter.
The “carbon” tax will destroy Gillard at the next election. Her government is already terminal, and even if they knife her first and install another stooge, the Labor Party will lose the next election in a landslide because of the idiocy of attempting to impose this insane tax on the Australian people, who have told her and her stinking government that they will not put up with it.
The task will then be to hold the Conservatives to their promise to repeal the tax and everything associated with it.