“Climate change is real. It’ll cause significant damage”

Climate change is real. It’ll cause significant damage. But aspects of the science of global warming aren’t resolved. And many of the political approaches being used to address climate change are naive or ineffective.

David Victor, a professor of political science at UC San Diego, delivers this message in unapologetic terms in his new book, “Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet.”


We survive swings of 120F every year here in Colorado, but I think that half a degree of change over 70 years is probably going to kill us all.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to “Climate change is real. It’ll cause significant damage”

  1. Deadman says:

    See the very silly Prof. Naomi Oreskes, on ABC’s The Drum, from the 33:00 mark, she claims that climate change has been “exactly what scientists have predicted … actually they’ve underestimated the change”, and “the so-called glacier-gate was a typographic error.”
    The host, John Barron, asserts, in the form of a question, “progressives seem more willing to accept the fact that we need to do something about man-made climate change.”

    • klem says:

      Are there still some who say that glacier-gate was a mere typo? This person has no credibility. The IPCC went over that document thousands of times before it was released, there is no way they would have made a mere typo. It was put threre intentionally.


  2. Nobama says:

    You’re already dead. We all are. We died in the famine of 2000. And the ones before and after it too.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    The environmentalist agenda is what has caused real and significant damage. It has prevented us from obtaining energy already stored in the ground and the result has been higher gas prices and continued dependence on foreign oil from an unstable part of the world.

    • klem says:

      The same agenda is killing my environmental movement as well. I know a lot of children in their early teens and pre-teen age that completely reject ACC. They accept climate change but not the anthropogenic version. You might think that they have been indoctrinated perhaps at school, but nope, you’d be wrong. All of them go to liberal public schools which have been showing “An Inconvenient truth’ over and over with no opposing films or opinions, the teachers openly blame humans for climate change, they ridicule any opposing views from their students, as a result most of the students have had enough and reject it all. I have been an environmentalist since 1970, and I have never seen anything like this. I have been saying for years; AGW will kill the environmental movement in the end. And now I’m seeing how. There is a whole new generation of kids who will not fill the ranks of the green movement in the future. They reject environmentalism. This is a disaster in the making.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        I don’t have a problem with the end of environmentalism.

      • Jimbo says:

        The environmental movement lost focus and decided to pin all their hopes on co2. They have lost a lot of ground while reall environmental issues remained largely neglected.

  4. suyts says:

    Well, at least they’ve got the proper science involved in the debate. lol, I can’t wait for warmistas to start quoting a political scientist.

  5. Sundance says:

    With appologies to Flip Wilson, ” The global warming made me do it.” That’s what I’d be saying if I were the governator.

  6. Dave G says:

    I mentioned the swings in temps every spring and fall to my daughter last year and HOW we survive them every year!! she tells me “I don’t understand” Geezzzz thanks Gore

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