CO2 Shows Its Evil Prejudices

 One of the reasons that the climate effects Dr Lobell and his colleagues have dug out of the data are not worse is that, although the planet as a whole has warmed up during the past 30 years, growing seasons in the parts of America which produce 40% of the world’s maize and soyabeans have failed to follow suit. No one is quite sure why this might be and no one knows if it will last. That climate change has not yet done very much harm may be cheering, but the past offers no firm guarantees for the future.

In poor sections of the world, CO2 traps heat. But in the US and Canada, CO2 has suspended its evil powers and has decided not to trap extra LW radiation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to CO2 Shows Its Evil Prejudices

  1. Dave N says:

    “No one is quite sure why this might be and no one knows if it will last.”

    At least they’re willing to admit they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

  2. Myron Mesecke says:

    Sounds like they are saying that the rural areas where food is grown hasn’t been affected like the cities are from global warming. UHI perhaps?

  3. Latitude says:

    “although the planet as a whole has warmed up during the past 30 years, growing seasons in the parts of America which produce 40% of the world’s maize and soyabeans have failed to follow suit.”

    Keep in mind, we’re talking about 1/2 of a degree here…….

    Growing seasons have failed to follow suit because there is no real temperature rise, the only “rise” is in adjusted temperatures.

    It’s May and 1/2 of the country is still covered in snow and can’t even get their fields ready..

  4. Al Gored says:

    Wow. I’m totally amaized.

    No problem. Just need to plant adjusted GISS crops, and decide how much the harvest needs to be later.

  5. Speaking as one whose finest research has often profited greatly from tracing, however roughly, the real development of language from the prehistoric past of mankind, I reject the use of “maize” for corn, and the obvious affectation of “soyabeans” for “soybeans”, in English. I also reject “tsunami” for “tidal wave”, and I reject the authority of the scientists (or weathermen) who have arbitrarily imposed it, in recent years, as the “scientifically acceptable” name for tidal waves in English. All of these are ugly, tyrannical abrogations of the English language as it has actually developed, and condescending reversions to ancient names in other cultures, which only short-circuit, and thus muddy for future scholars, the unparalleled, and critically important, continuous historical development of one of the richest languages in all of history. They carelessly cast aside an important part of history with every such reversion.

  6. DJL says:

    So CO2 only traps heat at Airports and where their are no thermometers?

  7. Luke of the D says:

    Jeez guys… didn’t you know that CeeOhhtoo causes everything?

  8. suyts says:

    This is a strange but blatant falsehood. I don’t know why this issue has suddenly gain some traction, but it is entirely false.

    Corn to follow…

  9. Andy Weiss says:

    Every so often, a kernel of truth emerges, even from the alarmist side. The past predicitons of catastrophic warming have simply not materialized, at least in the parts of the globe inhabited by humans and not altered by Hansen’s crayons and coloring book.

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