Disturbing Evidence Of Climate Change In Arizona


From 1900 to 1925, April temperatures in Arizona cooled. Over the next 25 years they warmed. Over the next 25 years they cooled. Over the next 15 years they warmed. Over the next twenty years they cooled.

It becomes clear that stabilization of Arizona’s climate will require that we both increase and decrease CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Disturbing Evidence Of Climate Change In Arizona

  1. Russell C says:

    Definitely cooling…. haven’t seen 120° temperatures ’round here since the mid 1990s. May dip to a high only in the 70s tomorrow.

  2. suyts says:

    “It becomes clear that stabilization of Arizona’s climate will require that we both increase and decrease CO2. ”

    lol, I believe we can accomplish this with proper synchronized breathing techniques.

  3. LdLas says:

    If you look at the temperature series of the different states in the US there has been either no warming at all, no warming since the Thirties, no warming since around 1990 (take into account the Pinatubo!) or the warming realy starts only in 1998 with the super El Niño and then it stays flat or gets cooler.
    Of course Alaska didn’t warm for over thirtie years and Hawaii never got any warmer for over 100 years.


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